It may come as a surprise to you that there is a primary
today, in Wisconsin. An actual in-person, polling-sites-open primary. This is in a state
that issued a statewide shelter-at-home order on March 25. How is this possible?

Just a few days ago, on April 2, a district
judge refused to postpone the election, but he did extend the date for absentee
voting until April 13. (He also ruled
that no election results could be released before then, so do not expect any
results tonight.) Evers once again tried
to appeal to the legislature to change its mind, calling a special session on
Saturday to that end, but to no avail. And then, yesterday (Monday), Evers tried
to call the election off. But the state
courts ruled that he did not have the authority to do that. And finally the U.S. Supreme Court ruled,
last night, that the absentee ballots must be postmarked by today and received
by April 13. Whew!
There have been more zigs and zags here than in a typical
Donald Trump coronavirus press conference.
Why are the Republicans being so stupidly intransigent, willing to put their own voters’ lives at risk by insisting the polls be open?
Because there is another
election on the ballot besides the presidential primary, and they want to win
it. There is a conservative judge on the
state supreme court up for reelection, and the GOP needs him there to uphold
voting restrictions that could disenfranchise over 200,000 voters in Wisconsin
in the fall, who are far more likely to be Democratic voters. Shameful.
There is only one thing totally clear about the Wisconsin primary. Joe Biden is going to win.
We don’t really need polling to arrive at that conclusion
(though the polls, summarized below, support that prediction). Everyone
knows Biden is going to win big except
for Bernie Sanders’ most zealous supporters.
Certainly Sanders himself has
no illusions. On the other hand, it is
hard to be sure about Sanders, since he has not been seen since he told reporters to buzz
off about his campaign "assessment." (“I’m trying to deal with a fucking global
crisis.”) That was on March 18. I’ve been watching a lot of TV of late. Seen a lotta Cuomo. Too much Trump. Even a little bit of Biden. Sanders?
Not one sighting.
Biden leads Sanders in the delegate race, 1217-914. As we have said many times of late, this is
simply an insurmountable lead. Biden has
to win only 39% of the remaining delegates to get to the magic number (1,991)
required to secure the nomination on the first ballot. Since Super Tuesday, after which the field
narrowed down to Biden and Sanders (and the non-consequential Tulsi Gabbard),
there have been nine contests. The
average of those nine races: Biden 54%, Sanders 34%. And not only have there been no catalysts to change
that overwhelming dynamic -- given the coronavirus, there are not even any opportunities for such a catalyst.
This is not the same situation as in 2016, when Hillary
Clinton held a large lead over Sanders and Sanders refused to bow out. At this point four years ago, Clinton had a
223-delegate lead on Sanders, significant but well short of 303. More importantly, Sanders had won five of the prior six
primaries in late March, 2016. This time
around, Biden has won 22 of the last 27 contests, and eight of the last
nine. In other words, there was still an actual race
going on in 2016 at this time; Clinton did not really deliver the knockout blow until
April 26, when she won a number of Mid-Atlantic states. Biden has already closed out Sanders.
There have been three polls in Wisconsin since Super
Tuesday. The gap has widened with each
3/24 - 3/29
Biden +28
3/10 - 3/11
Biden +16
3/6 - 3/8
Biden +11
Our BTRTN prediction is that Joe Biden
will win the Wisconsin primary going away, likely by +20 points and perhaps
even +30.
We will go with the lower end, with Biden winning by a
60/38 margin over Sanders.
Again, no results will be announced until April 13.
The Alaska primary, and all mail-in event, with the results
announced on Friday, April 10.
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