Tom with the BTRTN
September 2019 Month in Review.

In the wake of the allegations House Speaker Nancy Pelosi formally
announced a formal impeachment inquiry was to begin. This ended months of cautious maneuvering by
Pelosi as the Democratic caucus debated the merits of impeachment, balancing a
moral obligation to defend the Constitution with a political imperative to
defeat Trump in 2020. Given that more
Americans opposed than favored impeachment Trump, Pelosi’s calculus to date was
that a failure to remove Trump from office would backfire and potentially
propel him to reelection. But the
Ukraine revelations – which had the phone call as their centerpiece – promptly opened
the floodgates within the caucus supporting impeachment and forced her hand.
Neither Trump nor Biden saw their fortunes change in the immediate
aftermath of the revelations. Trump’s
approval rating was steadfast in the low-to-mid 40% range, and Biden continued
to lead the national polls among Democrats.
But American opinion on impeachment did indeed shift as the revelations
mounted, with polls indicating support for impeachment inching ahead of
The whistleblower report absolutely dominated the month, upending,
in one fell swoop, Trump’s desire to move past the Mueller report; the
Democrats’ desire to further the Russia investigation and other assorted
allegations through ongoing investigations; Pelosi’s desire to avoid
impeachment proceedings; the 2020 candidates’ collective desires to focus
attention on their campaigns and the future; and candidate Biden in particular, who found himself at the
epicenter of the controversy.
The main offences revealed in the “summary” of the call (which was eventually released by the White House on the misguided judgment that the
call was exculpatory), the whistleblower report itself, and the aftermath are
Just one day after Robert Mueller testified
(sort of) on Capitol Hill on the final report of his investigation, which said
the Trump team’s many discussions with Russian officials in 2016 did not add up
to a “conspiracy” (the legal term for “collusion”) to influence the 2016
presidential election, Trump essentially offered to collude with Ukraine to do
the same in 2020.
Trump not only requested the “favor” of Ukraine
President Volodymyr Zelensky to re-open an investigation into Hunter Biden’s
board work in Ukraine and Joe Biden’s alleged efforts to quash an investigation
of that company (no wrongdoing was ever found), as well as an ask to look into
the “Crowdstrike” issue (a reference to the quest for Hillary Clinton’s missing
server that has been rumored by conspiracy theorists to be in Ukrainian
hands). He also hinged future American
aid to Ukraine (nearly $400 million of congressionally-authorized funds that
Trump put on hold before the call) on that favor, thereby mixing
self-interested politics with foreign policy, as naked an abuse of power as one
could imagine.
The whistleblower further alleged that White
House officials sought to “lock down” the evidence of the call, bypassing
typical practices for dissemination and electronic storage of the call “summary,”
instead opting for far more secure treatment typically reserved for calls that
deeply influence national security, which this, plainly, was not. This is commonly known as a “cover up.”
Ultimately it was revealed that this same
practice was used for other sensitive phone calls with Vladimir Putin and Saudi Prince Mohammad Bin Salman.
And, it was revealed that Trump had also
pressured the Australian government to open an investigation into the origins
of the Mueller investigation, which involved an Australian diplomat and
Trump campaign operative George Papadopoulos.
Among those who have been involved in varying degrees are
Trump personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani (who met with Ukrainian officials to stir
the Biden investigation pot), Attorney General William Barr (Trump offered as a
contact to the Ukraine for the investigations), Mike Pompeo (who was on the
call, though he failed to reveal that initially, and has to respond to Giuliani
charges that he was acting under State Department authority) and Mike Pence
(the uber-loyal lackey).
Doubtless more will emerge in the coming months. But in the days following the whistleblower
revelations the ranks of Democrats joining the impeachment bandwagon began to
swell. Particularly notable was an op-ed
by seven freshman Democrats, all with national security experience, all in “vulnerable”
districts (the kind most likely to oppose impeachment) who signed on to an
impeachment inquiry and stated that the allegations, if true, were impeachable
offences. Pelosi concluded she had no
choice but to formally open the inquiry.
Pelosi and her leadership team made some very specific
choices with respect to the impeachment process. There would be no vote to formalize the
inquiry, to protect vulnerable members from such a record. The six committees currently investigating
Trump would continue; there would be no consolidated effort. The impeachment inquiry would focus just on
the Ukraine-related charges, not the Mueller/Russia-related ones. And the entire inquiry would be completed,
including a full House vote on the articles of impeachment, by Thanksgiving, if
possible, to avoid bleeding too much in 2020 and distracting from the 2020
election campaigns.
Trump’s response to all this has been unsurprising. Trump’s team, including Acting Chief of Staff
Mick Mulvaney, has come under attack for unpreparedness and not having a “War
Room” set up to organize the defense.
But the fact is, there is a War Room, and it is the Oval Office. Trump’s Twitterfeed is the primary weapon of
choice, with Lindsay Graham’s mouth, unchecked by his soul, the secondary
weapon. Trump, predictably, has followed
the Mueller defense pattern, blasting the whistleblower and Adam Schiff (both “should
be arrested for treason”), those who gave the whistleblower information (“spies”)
as well as the media (“scum” and “animals”).
He also endorsed (via re-tweeting) the notion of a “Civil War” occurring
if he was removed from office.
The post-Mueller playbook also appears to be in use for the
White House response. Secretary of State
Mike Pompeo has already said he will not allow his diplomats to testify, and
thus the stonewalling begins. But the
Dems now have a strategy in response.
Instead of filing lawsuits that could take years to resolve (that is,
after the 2020 election), they are simply saying that, with every stonewall,
the Trump team is building the case for an “obstruction of Congress” article of
impeachment (one of Nixon’s articles was for just such a charge).
The GOP is not exactly falling in line with Trump. Some of the usual suspects have expressed dismay
with the Ukraine revelations, including Senators Mitt Romney and Ben Sasse, and
a few Republican governors have stepped up as well. And, more surprisingly, Senator Chuck Grassley
surprisingly broke with Trump by defending the whistleblower. But no GOP representative has come out to
support the impeachment inquiry.
But what is most striking is the silence. Apart from Graham and Representative Jim
Jordan, few Republicans have picked up the talking points from the Trump team
and taken that message to the airwaves.
Essentially, it is only Trump, Rudy Giuliani (himself mired armpit-deep
in the scandal), Graham, a few others and the conservative media who are
playing defense. And no one has heard a
peep from Attorney General William Barr, who was mentioned multiple times as a
potential contact for Ukraine on the call, and has thus far failed to recuse
himself from the case.
The polls tell a story of America in flux. Most polls had previously shown support for
impeachment in the 40% range, and opposition over 50%, but now there has been
upward movement on the pro-impeachment side.
A CNN poll has 47% now favoring impeachment, up from 41% in May; opposition to
impeachment dropped from 54% to 45%.
Morning Consult has similar numbers, 46% to 43%.
the way, if you ever doubted the wisdom of Alexander Hamilton, he stated in
1788 that he believed that impeachment will
"agitate the passions of the whole community, and … divide it into parties
more or less friendly or inimical to the accused. In many cases, it will
connect itself with preexisting factions and will enlist all their animosities,
partialities, influence, and interest on one side or the other."
There were other notable events in the month, but they were
clearly subordinated to Ukraine Gate. The
Trump Administration announced that it was limiting refugees allowed into the
United States at 18,000, a far cry from President Obama’s last limit of
110,000. Trump also got a boost from the
Supreme Court in a ruling upholding a Trump policy requiring migrants to be
denied asylum by another country before applying to the U.S. for the same.
The quest for Congress to enact some form of gun control
legislation with Trump’s signature was already in peril (given Trump’s strong signaling
that he would not support anything, including background checks), but
UkraineGate put the final nail in the coffin, and gave the GOP a talking point
for avoiding action (“the Dems got in the way with this impeachment thing”). Trump fired National Security Advisor John
Bolton, and the two could not even agree on the sequence of events that led to
his departure (Bolton claims he resigned first).
An important Saudi oil refinery was attacked, presumably by
Iran, offering more evidence that the Trump pull-out from the Iran nuclear deal
was a campaign promise enacted without a strategy. The Iranians have responded to the pull-out and
reinstatement of sanctions not by crawling back to the negotiating table (as
Trump assumed) but by a series of aggressive actions and a defiant tone.

Most insane of all was the Hurricane Dorian contretemps, in
which Trump incorrectly placed Alabama in the path of the monster storm, and
instead of simply admitting his error and moving on, spent the better part of
the week claiming it was true. This
included putting huuuuge pressure on the National Weather Service to support
his erroneous claim. And, most
laughably, prominent in the defense was a map he used that clearly benefited
from a sharpie-doctored line extending a storm path into Alabama. Somewhere Rose Mary Woods is smiling, knowing
there was another entry in cover-up photo ops that rivaled her contorted
gymnastics in explaining how she erased 18 minutes of Nixon tapes.
And so it goes…
Trump’s approval rating rose by a negligible one percentage
point in the month of August, from 43% to 44%.
His approval rating has now fallen within the 40-45% range for the 21th
consecutive month. But Trump's rating, while operating in a narrow band, has inched upward over the course of 2019.
The Trumpometer declined in the month of September, from
+12 to +10. The +10 Trumpometer reading
means that, on average, our five economic measures are +10% higher than they
were at the time of Trump’s Inauguration, per the chart below (and with more
explanation of methodology below).
The key drivers of the dip were a decline in consumer
confidence (from 135 to 125) and a rise in gas prices (from $2.66 to
$2.74). The Dow saw healthy growth in
the month and is now 36% higher than it was when Trump took office. There was no change in the unemployment rating
and also no change in the third estimate for Q2 GDP.
The “Trumpometer” was designed to allow an objective answer
to the economically-driven question of the 1980 Reagan campaign: “Are you better off than you were four years
ago?” The Trumpometer now stands at +10,
which means that Donald Trump can definitively claim that the answer to that
question is “yes.” (Whether he deserves
credit for that score is another matter.)
Trump did fall below the 50% approval mark in his handling
of the economy for the first time in a long time, according to the average of
11 polls taken of this measure in September.
He fell from 50% in August to 49% in September. This is the first time he has dropped below
50% since January. (One could also note
that his rating on foreign affairs dipped below 40%.)
Clinton 1/20/2001
Bush 1/20/2009
Obama 1/20/2017 (Base = 0)
Trump 8/31/2019
Trump 9/30/2019
% Chg. Vs. Inaug. (+ = Better)
Unemployment Rate
Consumer Confidence
Price of Gas
Dow Jones
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on methodology:
BTRTN calculates our
monthly approval ratings using an average of the four pollsters who conduct
daily or weekly approval rating polls: Gallup Rasmussen, Reuters/Ipsos and You
Gov/Economist. This provides consistent and accurate trending information and
does not muddy the waters by including infrequent pollsters. The outcome tends to mirror the RCP average
but, we believe, our method gives more precise trending.
the generic ballot (which is not polled in this post-election time period), we
take an average of the only two pollsters who conduct weekly generic ballot
polls, Reuters/Ipsos
and You Gov/Economist, again for trending consistency.
The Trumpometer aggregates a set of
economic indicators and compares the resulting index to that same set of
aggregated indicators at the time of the Trump Inaugural on January 20, 2017,
on an average percentage change basis... The basic idea is to demonstrate
whether the country is better off economically now versus when Trump took
office. The indicators are the unemployment rate, the Dow-Jones
Industrial Average, the Consumer Confidence Index, the price of gasoline, and
the GDP.
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