Donald Trump is not the first demagogue to rise in American
politics, but, in achieving the Oval Office, he is the most powerful of the species. What
can we learn by looking at his predecessors, about the rise and fall of this
strange and threatening breed? And what
role can we play to bring Trump down?
(noun) \ de-mə-ˌgäg \
1: a leader who makes use of
popular prejudices and
false claims and promises in order to gain power (from Merriam-Webster)
Donald Trump is the
prototypical demagogue, as any student of political history can attest. Trump has preyed on those who feel threatened
by “the Other” since his first foray into the political arena, as the champion
of the Obama birther movement. His presidential
run and first-term have been littered with such demagoguery, from the “Mexican
rapist” charges that launched the campaign, through the “both sides” Charlottesville
refrain, and on to the recent vile attacks on “The Squad” and Elijah Cummings,
with countless other thunderous, baseless, fearmongering claims along the way.
His message is that minorities,
in particular immigrants, are dangerous and threatening: at worst, criminals,
and at least, job-seeking freeloaders who are crowding out opportunities for White
America. It is hardly surprising, though
shocking, that Trump’s relentless messaging has inspired the white-supremacist
based domestic terrorism that has grown dramatically in the last several years,
reaching its apotheosis (we can only hope) in El Paso. Trump has provided the motive; the NRA and
GOP have provided the means by enabling our gun-saturated culture; all the perpetrator
has to solve for is opportunity; the
mighty troika of criminal acts now neatly and tragically packaged with a tidy bow.
Demagogues are not new
in American politics. They emerge in
times of great stress and enrapture a percentage of the electorate craving attention,
by presenting a stark, threatening worldview in a blunt, crude and charismatic
style. They have little regard for facts
and deliver a wildly inflated, apocalyptic message designed to incite fear -- and
establish the demagogue as the savior from the threat of the Other.
Broadly speaking, a raft
of demagogues emerged in the titanic 40-year era that encompassed the Great
Depression, World War II, the Cold War and the civil rights and counterculture
movements of the 1960’s. They arose in
response to these events, and each time they re-emerged, they did so in increasingly
powerful forms, using ever more far-reaching platforms, and capturing ever
larger swaths of the country.

America survived the
rest of the century without the rise of another demagogue, but with 9/11 and the new
era of global unrest and uncertainty it launched, the 2008 Great Recession, and
the minority-empowering years of Barack Obama, the seeds were sewn. And finally, almost 50 years after Wallace, Donald
Trump emerged, ushered in with his “Obama as the Other” birther charge, symbolic
of his dark view of the sinister threats facing America from within.

Trump touched on themes
that resonated with a segment of America that felt deeply threatened by the
early 21st century shocks of 9/11 and the 2008. The economic recovery engineered by Barack
Obama was disproportionately tilted to the elites, and while unemployment came
down sharply in his eight years, it was still over 7% at the time of the 2016
election, and real incomes had yet to recover.
And Trump relentlessly pounded at the theme of American weakness beyond
its borders, be it dealing with undocumented immigrants at the southern border,
or geopolitical “deals” in which America had been "had," from NAFTA to the Paris
Accords to the Iran nuclear deal, including the mightiest alliance of them
all, NATO. Trump’s essential message (paraphrased) was: “You or your neighbor lost your job
either to China or to an illegal alien, and the trade, immigration and
regulatory policies set by the elites who control Obama and Hillary Clinton are
ignoring their effect on you.”
Trump rode trade and
immigration to the White House. He broke
every rule of electioneering, refusing to “tack to the middle” in the general
election and maintaining his “authenticity” as a right wing conservative (a
remarkable feat by a man who was a registered Democrat as recently as
2013). He also got a break with his Democratic
opponent, Hillary Clinton, who was a pillar in the Obama administration, a
woman and a Wall Street darling all in one, and one who had made many enemies
in the course of a long career in the public eye.
Trump’s opponents
should not wonder at his popularity. The
vulgarity that we assume will bring him down is his strongest weapon, the same weapon
used by his predecessor demagogues. They
say things right out loud that normal politicians dare not speak, but a subset
– a growing subset -- of the electorate believe. His crudity is viewed, and applauded, as the
weapon of choice against the elites. Trump’s
base is not about to abandon him, the first politician to speak their language
and woo them directly. Trump has never
truly wavered from the base, never attempted to broaden his appeal, and the few
times he has entertained more moderate policies – such as universal background
checks – he has been quickly heeled by the NRA or Fox News, who remind him from
whence he came. And even those who claim
to be pained by his rhetoric, his style or his immorality are too enamored with
his policies to be wooed.
How did the demagogues
ultimately fall?
History tells us: abruptly.
Two assassinations and an epic historical event felled three of the four
in a single day. Only McCarthy took some
time, and it was the media, the public forum of Congressional testimony and a bi-partisan
revolt that brought him down
Given these lessons of
history, how can Trump be taken down?
Of course we condemn assassination. Apart from the moral repugnancy, which in
itself suffices, Trump’s martyrdom would not help our nation heal. Given the magnitude of Trump’s appeal, it
might only harden the lines, and the consequences could be devastating.
A devastating world
event that undercuts the Trump worldview could change minds quickly – say, a
major act of war from Iran or North Korea, or a Russia move on the
Baltics. Perhaps if the China trade war
brings on a recession. But those events are unlikely, regardless of how much Trump seems to invite them through his own reckless form of diplomacy.
History tells us that impeachment
might not be the answer either. Long was
impeached by the Louisiana House of Representatives on 19 charges, ranging from
bribing lawmakers to pass his legislation to a charge of attending a drunken
party that featured a stripper. The Louisiana
Senate failed to convict him, and Long came back stronger than ever – and
nastier. The acquitted Huey barked, “I
used to get things done by saying please.
Now I dynamite them out of my path.”
And dynamite he did, indeed. If
the current House of Representatives goes the route of impeachment, they better
not lose in the Senate.
We cannot count on a
Joseph Welch, who emerged in public hearings, in an unscripted moment not
possible today, given the fact that Trump is not allowing his lackeys to
testify. Nor can we count on the media –
there is no Murrow or Cronkite that has the trust of most Americans. And Trump has inoculated himself against
whatever the “mainstream media” hits him with, and The New York Times,
Washington Post and CNN have already lobbed their own considerable arsenals
without effect. Least of all can we expect
bi-partisan movement from the cowards in the GOP who are in thrall to that 90%
approval rating.
No, this time it is
going to up to us, the American people, to do the deed, and we have to take Trump
down at the ballot box. We are going to
have to evict him the old-fashioned way, the way America has dumped one-term
wonders like Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush.
It will not be easy, since Trump has 40% to 45% of the nation with
him. But the odds are on our side, since
roughly 55% of the nation is against him and have been since the outset of his presidency. Some of his voters abandoned him quickly and
have stayed opposed. That fact, combined
with an energized Democratic Party that flexed its muscles in the 2018
mid-terms, will make the Democratic nominee the odds on favorite.
We need to pick the
best candidate and fight like hell to elect her or him. We need to fight voter suppression and enable
all those eligible to vote. We need to
pressure our elected officials to minimize the influence of Vladimir Putin in our
elections. And to the extent we fall short in limiting suppression and the Russians, we have to work all that much harder to overcome their deleterious effects. This time, it is truly up to
us to flush this demagogue down the drain, and consign him to the junk pile of history,
once and for all.
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