The Mueller hearings and Donald Trump’s racist attacks on
African-Americans were catalysts to the real issue of the month: will the Democrats actually move to an
impeachment inquiry? As of this writing,
more than half of the Democratic caucus is calling for impeachment (118
members, according to CNN, along with the one House Independent, former GOP
representative Justin Amish).
From that question comes another: is it a good idea or not? Democrats are utterly divided, with, generally
speaking, progressives who won their districts by wide margins in 2016 (that
is, by 45 or more percentage points who thus have little risk of losing their
seats) on the impeachment side. The more
moderate representatives, who survived closer elections, including first-termers
who flipped GOP seats in 2018, are opposed, or silent. There are exceptions to these general
characterizations, to be sure, but it is still an accurate description of the
The month began with Trump
attacking “The Squad,” four first-year members of the House, all
women of color: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, all progressive Democrats. This overtly
racist tweet was the kick-off:
interesting to see ‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came
from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the
worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a
functioning government at all), now loudly...and viciously telling the people
of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our
government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken
and crime infested places from which they came.”
In subsequent days Trump repeated his “send them home”
refrain (all four are U.S. citizens and three were born in the U.S.A.), until
it was echoed by a crowd at a Trump rally in “lock her up” fashion. Trump claimed to be unhappy with the
serenade, but it lasted a full 13 seconds, and the mobs were simply replaying
his own words.
The Mueller testimony was the highlight of the month,
attracting 13 million viewers who saw Mueller affirm the main conclusions of
his report and little else. Mueller’s
delivery was atrocious – as advertised, he did not expand on the report, but he
also refused to turn the report into an understandable narrative form, and
refused to even read from the report. He
seemed hesitant on many occasions, and did not convey a firm grasp of the
material (“if it’s in the report, then I agree with it”). The polls show that he did not change the
minds of any Americans, nor did any Republican members of Congress join the
impeachment brigade.
Then came the attack on Cummings, a 13-term
African-American representative of Maryland’s 7th District (the
Baltimore area), who serves as Chair of the House Oversight Committee. In that role he incurred Trump’s ire by
issuing subpoenas for text and emails from White House staff from non-official
accounts, potentially problematic for any staffer, but perhaps in particular Jared and
Ivanka. Trump laced into Cummings and
savaged the city of Baltimore with this and other incendiary tweets: “Cumming {sic} District is a disgusting,
rat and rodent infested mess….it is considered the worst run and most dangerous
anywhere in the United States. No human being would want to live there.”
Trump has continued these Cummings assaults for
days, to the absurd point of accusing Cummings himself of being a racist. He also crowed that African-Americans were
praising him for telling the truth, while Quinnipiac relied on a more
fact-based approach, coming out with a poll showing that 80% of
African-Americans considered Trump a racist.
The growing calls for “impeachment now” are putting intense
pressure on Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Before
Mueller’s testimony, roughly 80 Democrats (plus Amish) were on board. Another 10 or so jumped on after Mueller, and
the rest up to the current 118 after the Cummings attacks.
So far she has been content to continue to “litigate,
legislate and investigate” but loathe to begin an impeachment inquiry. Pelosi fears that the certain Senate
acquittal would not only help Trump in 2020, but also jeopardize the House Democratic
Majority, by risking losses in all those anti-impeachment Dem districts that
flipped from red to blue in 2018. Pelosi
has been giving House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler enough space to move forward
but has prevented the final step. Whether
she can continue that stance as the pro-impeachment numbers mount is the
question of the day.
But there is yet another question: does Donald Trump truly want impeachment? It is hard to envision any U.S. president welcoming an impeachment inquiry, but as
always, Trump may be the exception. He
certainly will relish the fight and clearly sees the political upside of such
an epic battle, especially when he knows he will likely lose the impeachment battle in the House but win the war with a Senate acquittal (barring the some new treasonous revelation).
There is no doubt about Trump’s desires when it comes to the racial
baiting: it is the basis of his 2020
election strategy. Old GOP pols would
surely counsel Trump to run on his stewardship of the economy. But he clearly plans to run on race, and the
more generalized “fear of the other” that has long animated demagogues. At this stage of his presidency, the notion
of Trump expanding his base is long gone, so instead he must double down on the
improbable strategy that landed him in the White House – turning out an
energized base largely through fear-mongering, voter suppression and a little
help from Moscow to eke out a win. Hey,
it worked in 2016.
It all sounds like madness, of course, but
Trump himself laid bare the real point of these attacks in yet another tweet: “If the Democrats are going to defend the
Radical Left ‘Squad’ and King Elijah’s Baltimore Fail, it will be a long road
to 2020.” He wants the face of the
Democratic Party not to be the nominee, but rather “The Squad” and Elijah Cummings. You can bet that whomever the nominee is, you
will soon see ads featuring pictures of that nominee in full embrace with these
five representatives.
There were plenty of other
consequential events in the month. On
the foreign policy front, Trump suffered more setbacks. Iran announced it would soon
breach the uranium enrichment levels established in the 2015 deal that Trump
unilaterally withdrew from, with the strategy that ramping up sanctions would
tank the Iranian economy and force them back to the negotiating table weakened
and willing to go further in concessions.
That strategy not only shows no sign of working, but the Iranians
continue to counter instead with hyper aggressive behavior, including capturing
a British tanker, that inches us closer to a wholly unnecessary, Trump-inflicted
military showdown.
North Korea resumed missile
testing, which Trump, far from decrying, tolerated, while praising Kim Jong-un’s
“beautiful vision” for his country. The
China trade talks continue to falter, and Trump countered another fruitless
round of negotiations by announcing another market-rattling set of tariffs, on
$300 billion of China goods, due to take effect on September 1. And the British Ambassador utterly skewered
Trump in a set of leaked diplomatic cables, outraging Trump with their confidential
and blunt depictions of his administration’s madness.
It was more of a mixed bag
on the domestic front. Trump won one
when the Supreme Court essentially allowed him to use Pentagon funds ($2.5
billion) to begin work on The Wall while lower courts continued to review the
case. This was a non-sensical verdict
that Justice Breyer rather neatly exposed when he pointed out in his dissent
that it would be hard for the new Wall to be ripped out if the lower court
ruled against Trump – why not hold the dollars aside until they rule?
Trump lost a couple of
others though – he was forced to finally give up the ghost on his U.S. Census
citizenship question, and had to pull an absurd attempt to name the
spectacularly under-qualified lapdog John Ratcliffe as Director of National
Intelligence, replacing Dan Coats, no one’s lapdog. That noise you heard was GOP Senator Richard
Burr, Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, spitting out the indigestible
Ratcliffe candidacy, which also featured a greatly enhanced Ratcliffe resume
full of lies about his record as a prosecutor.
Trump also signed off on a
Budget agreement with the Dems that was largely viewed as a Pelosi win (and which
the GOP could not pass without significant Democratic help). The only reason Trump got away with it was
that his friends on Fox and in the Freedom Caucus were too busy doing high
fives over the Mueller testimony to devote air time and attention to the
spend-a-thon contained in the Budget.
And thus the national deficit and debt continue to soar.
One remembers a Trump
campaign promise that he would not only eliminate the deficit but the entire
debt in an 8-year year – yes, eliminate the
entire $20 trillion of debt. Ah,
good old GOP orthodoxy – tough on the Russians, tough on the debt, tough,
tough, tough. Where has that GOP gone? (The debt is now just under $22 trillion.)
Not that the Dems are so
sure of themselves either these days.
The month ended with the second round of Democratic debates among 20 of
the 25 Democratic contenders. They
proceeded to rip each other to shreds, most particularly Joe Biden, and not
just his Senate years, but his VP years under Obama. Essentially, the Democrats were attacking the
one beacon they have had this century, the ultra-popular Barack Obama himself! And for all of that -- five full hours of
wrenching, personal battles involving ideologies, policies, generational
divides and more -- a Politico/Morning Consult poll indicated that not a single
candidate had moved up or down one iota.
In watching those debates,
old hands might recall two memorable lines from the days of yore, the first by
Will Rogers, who famously said, “I am not a member of any organized political
party – I’m a Democrat.” And the second
which did not originate with Ronald Reagan, but he appropriated it as his own,
the so-called Eleventh Commandment:
“Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.” The Democrats seem intent on living down to Rogers’s
statement while failing to live up to Reagan’s.
We simply report, as we have with mind-numbing regularity,
that Trump’s approval rating remained at 43%, now for the third straight month,
falling within the 40-45% range for the nineteenth straight month. His weekly rating rose to 45% at one point in
the month, but fell to 42% by month’s end, after the Mueller hearings and the Cummings’s
The GDP growth rate slowed this month from 3.1% in Q1 to
2.1% in Q2, dropping the Trumpometer from 20 to 13 despite gains in consumer
confidence and the Dow. The +13
Trumpometer reading means that, on average, our five economic measures are +13%
higher than they were at the time of Trump’s Inauguration, per the chart below
(and with more explanation of methodology below).
The “Trumpometer” was designed to allow an objective answer
to the economically-driven question of the 1980 Reagan campaign: “Are you better off than you were four years
ago?” The Trumpometer now stands at +13,
which means that Donald Trump can definitively claim that the answer to that
question is “yes.” (Whether he deserves
credit for that score is another matter.)
Clinton 1/20/2001
Bush 1/20/2009
Obama 1/20/2017 (Base = 0)
Trump 6/30/2019
Trump 7/31/2019
% Chg. Vs. Inaug. (+ = Better)
Unemployment Rate
Consumer Confidence
Price of Gas
Dow Jones
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on methodology:
BTRTN calculates our
monthly approval ratings using an average of the four pollsters who conduct
daily or weekly approval rating polls: Gallup Rasmussen, Reuters/Ipsos and You
Gov/Economist. This provides consistent and accurate trending information and
does not muddy the waters by including infrequent pollsters. The outcome tends to mirror the RCP average
but, we believe, our method gives more precise trending.
the generic ballot (which is not polled in this post-election time period), we
take an average of the only two pollsters who conduct weekly generic ballot
polls, Reuters/Ipsos
and You Gov/Economist, again for trending consistency.
The Trumpometer aggregates a set of
economic indicators and compares the resulting index to that same set of
aggregated indicators at the time of the Trump Inaugural on January 20, 2017,
on an average percentage change basis... The basic idea is to demonstrate
whether the country is better off economically now versus when Trump took
office. The indicators are the unemployment rate, the Dow-Jones
Industrial Average, the Consumer Confidence Index, the price of gasoline, and
the GDP.
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