Tom with the BTRTN
April 2019 Month in Review.
The Mueller report was finally released on April 18,
redacted in part and preceded by another volley from Trump’s ever-spinning
personal attorney, oops, that is, Attorney
General William Barr. The man
charged with representing U.S. citizens and protecting the laws of the land
held a press conference in advance of the release, and continued the
self-demolition job on his own reputation earned across decades in Washington.

The Mueller Report concluded persuasively (with indictments
galore) that the Russians in fact had attempted to manipulate the 2016
election, and in favor of Trump at the expense of Hillary Clinton.
But that primary conclusion was, in effect, settled long
ago, and the real drama concerned Mueller’s verdict on the twin questions that have
dominated the Trump presidency since Mike Flynn was fired as National Security Advisor
just weeks after the Inauguration: did the Trump team collude (or, more legalistically, conspire) with the Russians and did Trump commit obstruction of
The Mueller report concluded that there was insufficient
evidence to charge anyone in the Trump campaign or administration with colluding/conspiring
with the Russians in connection with the 2016 election. There was much smoke, to be sure, but not
enough for criminal charges to be levied against anyone, including Trump himself.
On obstruction of justice, Mueller was far more damning. While he declined to charge Trump with
obstruction -- in accordance with Department of Justice guidelines the preclude indicting a sitting president – Volume II
of the report left a trail of bread crumbs worthy of an entire Pepperidge Farm
factory for Congress to pursue the case on its own. He pointedly concluded that he did have the ability to exonerate Trump from obstruction
charges -- but could not do so given the evidence. But he did not have the power to indict, so he left that to Congress,and provided them with a boatload of evidence.
And thus we arrive on April 18, with Barr once again
inserting himself directly into the process. Back in March, when Mueller had delivered
his report to the DOJ, Barr took all of 48 hours to review the 400 page tome
and issue his own four-page summary that inaccurately characterized Mueller’s
findings as a clean bill of health for Trump: no collusion and no obstruction. The
problem was that Barr had grossly mischaracterized Mueller’s language about
obstruction. Barr had actively and willfully mislead the public: Mueller overtly
cited the DOJ policy of not indicting a sitting president as a core reason for
his unwillingness to issue an indictment. Barr made it seem that the lack of an
indictment was simply a function of a lack of evidence. Barr’s wildly misleading “summary” gave Trump
a four-week window to ram home the “no collusion/no obstruction” line while
Barr took his time redacting.
In April, just hours before the release of the redacted
report, Barr again sought to frame the report in terms most favorable to Trump,
this time in a press conference. But when
the report came out later that same morning, even in redacted form it revealed
the far more damning position that Mueller had actually taken. Mueller demonstrated that Trump essentially
did everything within his power to obstruct
the investigation, short of firing the entire Mueller team, the entire FBI, and
anyone whom he remotely considered to be a member of the Deep State. Perhaps the most consequential (and
memorable) statement in the entire report was this one:
"The President's efforts to influence the investigation
were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who
surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his
Obviously Mueller believed Trump himself had attempted to
obstruct justice repeatedly, and was a least partially successful. So, with the actual release of the report,
thus began the Mueller mutation, with, as stated, at least six different new
tracks to follow from here:
quest for the unredacted report: Since
Barr’s behavior was so obviously partial, the Democrats want to see the
completely unredacted report. Representative
Jerry Nadler, chair of the House Judiciary Committee, has vowed to issue
subpoenas to achieve that goal.
behavior. Barr’s
May 1 testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee, on the heels of the
revelation that Mueller wrote Barr a letter complaining that Barr had
misrepresented his investigation with the four-page summary, threw the Attorney
General’s behavior into the spotlight, with scores of Democrat’s calling for
his resignation or impeachment. His
testimony revealed he had lied in previous (April 9) congressional testimony
when he stated that he had no idea what Mueller thought of this report. Barr subsequently declared he would not
testify to the House as planned on May 2.
investigations. The
Democrats have begun a series of investigations designed to illuminate the
major findings of the Mueller investigation, and augment them. Representative Adam Schiff of the House
Intelligence Committee is taking the “follow the money” tack, hot on the heels
of Deutchse Bank/Trump connections (and Capital One as well), while
Representative Richard Neal, Chairman of Ways and Means, wants Trump’s taxes. And Nadler wants former White House Counsel
Don McGahn to testify. This is all
continue ad nauseum, although we all
reached nauseum long ago.
War on Congress. Essentially,
the Trump White House is refusing to cooperate with any of these investigations, preferring to “slow walk” document
requests or outright defy them, not allowing witnesses to testify (see:
McGahn), instead inviting the time-sucking, court-inducing subpoena process,
trying to run out the clock until November, 2020. But Trump will find it difficult to prevent
Mueller himself from testifying, which he will in May, the next “must see”
event in the drama.
The 14
on-going investigations. The
White House won’t be able to do rope-a-dope the 14 investigations that the
Mueller Report spawned, only two of which had been known to the general public
(one involving Michael Cohen and the other Obama White House Counsel Greg
Craig) prior to the release of the report.
The other 12 (all redacted) involve “potential criminal activity” that
was “out of scope” of the Mueller probe and have been referred to the Justice
Department. Perhaps someone beside
Schiff is following the money as well.
impeachment question. And
then there is the biggest question of them all:
should the Democrats pursue impeachment?
The party was busy cleaving itself on that one, per a time-honored
Democratic Party tradition (remember the old line: “I belong to no organized political party; I’m
a Democrat.”) The raging argument
centered on defining the “right thing to do.”
Should the Dems impeach because Trump is clearly unfit for office, or
play the realpolitik game of not allowing Trump to claim exoneration if the
Senate fails to convict, which most assuredly would be the outcome? Nancy Pelosi holds the cards on this one, and
she continues to be the deftest player around the table. This will clearly be another enormous test of
her ability to keep the caucus unified as the investigations and revelations
And so it goes.
The Mueller/Post-Meuller hysteria was not the only event of
the month. Trump decided (with Stephen
Miller egging him on) to purge the entire leadership of the Department of
Homeland Security, frustrated with lack of progress on the immigration issue,
whatever he defines as progress.
Whatever the thought process, he wants more “toughness” than Kirstjen Nielsen
apparently had to offer, and Trump’s latest gambits, under Acting Homeland
Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan include even more restrictions on asylum
It was a good month for the economy, as the Trumpometer
jumped back to +20 (more on that below).
Trump continues to eye the Fed warily, but both of his latest nominees
to the Fed, Herman Cain and Stephen Moore, were forced to withdraw based on
limited prospects of Senate approval given dubious track records related to women
(between the two of them they covered the gamut from sexist jokes to harassment
And the month ended with the rather unlikely prospect of
harmony between Trump, Chuck and Nancy on the long-awaited bi-partisan dream, a
massive infrastructure bill. The trio
apparently agreed on a number -- $2 trillion, no less – but deferred discussion
on the sources of funding for another day.
Trump apparently believes it should be funded by the government,
anathema to conservatives who favor the more traditional GOP funding sources
(e.g., lean on the states, or provide tax incentives for business
investment). You can be sure they are
not going to roll back that tax cut.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden finally joined the Democratic race and
quickly surged to an even more dominant position in the polls in the early
going, and his entry inspired some 60 tweets from Trump, the fear showing. We will be back in two weeks with our 2020
Vision feature on the ongoing campaign, with a full update, as the Democratic
field now numbers an astonishing 21.
In the face of the release of the Mueller report and the
resultant furor, one thing remained constant:
Donald Trump’s approval rating, which remained fixed at 42% for the
month (and showed no change after the April 18 release date). America remains as entrenched as ever between
Trump supporters and bashers. And this
rigidity is bad news for Trump – 42% is simply a terrible place to be heading
into 2020. He needs some upward catalyst
for reelection, and with legislative achievement unlikely and foreign affairs
difficult to manage, that catalyst is hard to identify.
The “Trumpometer” jumped in April from March, from +11 to
+20, due to solid increases in the GDP (the Q1 first report coming in at a
surprising +3.2%) and the Dow. Consumer
Confidence also rose, and the only blemish was a sharp rise in gas prices to
nearly $3 a gallon on average nationwide.
The +20 Trumpometer reading means that, on average, our five economic
measures are +20% higher than they were at the time of Trump’s Inauguration,
per the chart below (and with more explanation of methodology below). The economy continues to be Trump’s strongest
card, although, oddly, he rarely talks about it. But with signs of slowdown still apparent,
Trump is in a tough race to get to Election Day without a major speedbump,
which, if it occurred, could doom him.
Clinton 1/20/2001
Bush 1/20/2009
Obama 1/20/2017 (Base = 0)
Trump 3/31/2019
Trump 4/30/2019
% Chg. Vs. Inaug. (+ = Better)
Unemployment Rate
Consumer Confidence
Price of Gas
Dow Jones
on methodology:
BTRTN calculates our
monthly approval ratings using an average of the four pollsters who conduct
daily or weekly approval rating polls: Gallup Rasmussen, Reuters/Ipsos and You
Gov/Economist. This provides consistent and accurate trending information and
does not muddy the waters by including infrequent pollsters. The outcome tends to mirror the RCP average
but, we believe, our method gives more precise trending.
the generic ballot (which is not polled in this post-election time period), we
take an average of the only two pollsters who conduct weekly generic ballot
polls, Reuters/Ipsos
and You Gov/Economist, again for trending consistency.
The Trumpometer aggregates a set of
economic indicators and compares the resulting index to that same set of
aggregated indicators at the time of the Trump Inaugural on January 20, 2017,
on an average percentage change basis... The basic idea is to demonstrate
whether the country is better off economically now versus when Trump took
office. The indicators are the unemployment rate, the Dow-Jones
Industrial Average, the Consumer Confidence Index, the price of gasoline, and
the GDP.
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