wonder what canvassing is really all about?
Wendy and I spent the afternoon canvassing in one of the most hotly contested
races in America, New York’s 19th District. This campaign is on BTRTN’s list of “50 Races
That Will Define America” (http://www.borntorunthenumbers.com/2018/11/btrtn-final-midterms-snapshot-50-races.html ) and is the kind of “tossup” race that the Dems must win to take the House.

We were amazed that the Metzger headquarters
was teeming with fellow would-be canvassers, over 50 of us, everyone excited and ready to help. We had been told to download the “MiniVan”
app which facilitates our canvassing, and the training session was basically to
learn to navigate the app. The campaign
people gave us a route number that defined several neighborhoods in New Paltz,
and once we input the route number into the app, it displayed the addresses for
our door-to-door visits. The lists were
comprised of Democrats only -- our mission was to ensure they were planning to
vote, and to confirm they knew their polling place location. We were not out there to change any
minds. We were also told how to input
the data, which would be invaluable on Election Day in following up with those
who planned to vote for the Dems.
Armed with the app and some “door hangers”
(campaign literature about Delgado, Metzger and Democratic Sheriff candidate
Juan Figueroa that we would hang on the doorknob if no one was home), off we
went. Our target neighborhood seemed
solidly middle class, and, surprisingly, loaded with Delgado signs on the lawns
(we saw only one Faso sign). I was the “front
man,” knocking on the doors and talking, while Wendy was the “brains,” telling
me which houses to go to, who was in the household, inputting the resulting data,
and doing the driving. It was a very
efficient division of labor.
We ended up visiting 45 homes, split
roughly half and half between actually talking to someone and finding nobody
home. With one exception, those who we
talked to were indeed Democratic supporters who planned to vote – most thanked
us for our efforts. The only Republican
we met was extremely cordial – he let me give my spiel to the end, and then affably
explained his party preference. We
shared a laugh on how he ended up on my list, and parted with a handshake.
None of this was difficult, and after
several hours we were done, and headed home.
We’d done our bit for the day.
There are still two full days for you to help in your area if you can. All the organizers say the most important
day of all is: Tuesday.
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