Lost in the breaking news of the North Korea machinations, the
G-7 flap, the Mueller investigation, the Department of Justice report on James Comey and New York State's pursuit of the Trump Foundation is something truly
horrific, a decision that might be the most heinous undertaking ever made by
Donald Trump and his administration, which is saying something.

The Trump administration is now enforcing that policy, and approximately 2,000 children, some under four years of age, have been separated from
their parents accordingly. Their lives are being ripped apart, possibly
permanently, to serve as some sort of sick deterrent to future fleeing
families. It is an astonishing decision,
one justified biblically by the hapless Jeff Sessions by citing the oft-used --
by tyrants and slaveholders, to name a few -- Romans 13 (“The authorities that exist have been established by
God. Consequently, whoever
rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and
those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.”).
Trump is also blaming the action on Democrats, referring to the separation policy as “their
law.” This is an outright lie. There is simply no law requiring such separation,
Melania Trump has weighed in: "Mrs.
Trump hates to see children separated from their families and hopes both sides
of the aisle can finally come together to achieve successful immigration
reform. She believes we need to be a country that follows all laws, but also a
country that governs with heart."
But, of course, you can only govern with heart if the head
of the government happens to have one, and that clearly is not the case in
America. Happy Father's Day, Donald Trump. To celebrate, let's take 46 more children away from their fathers, in line with the daily average.
The Trump Administration believes there is a “special place
in hell” for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau because he happens to
oppose Donald Trump on various trade issues.
Where then do those who would rip children from their families reside
for eternity? Is there a special place
within that special place?
More to the point, how long will the American people
tolerate such a barbaric and heartless policy, and an administration that is so consistently embarrassing? We should be flooding the
White House and our Congressional representatives with telephone calls and
Let’s get started on that, right now.
Here is how to contact the White House:
And here is how to contact your Congressional representatives:
And here is a petition to sign:
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