Tom with the latest BTRTN month in review, a look back on yet another astonishing month.
The month of November was a watershed month in the long
struggle for women’s rights, when a huge spotlight was finally trained on the
darkest of corners, the crudest expression of unspoken male control, the sexual
prerogatives of men in power. Harvey
Weinstein was not the first to be outed for sexual harassment and assault by those
whose careers he could make or break, but his turn under that spotlight was the
textbook definition of a “tipping point.”
Since then, of course, emboldened women have been outing their abusers
by the dozens, and the entertainment, media and business worlds have been and
continue to be rocked on a near daily basis (say goodbye to Matt Lauer and
Garrison Keillor).
Not surprisingly, the political world is now being roiled
as well. First came the accusations
against Senate candidate Roy Moore from Alabama. Then Al Franken, the Senator (and potential
presidential hopeful – at that time, but no longer) from Minnesota, and
Representative John Conyers from Michigan.
More will come. These men and
others at the state and local level are being rightly penalized in various
ways, from long-overdue public humiliation and ridicule, to abrupt loss of their
powerful perches and, in some instances, to litigation. They all are getting their comeuppance.
With one exception:
Donald Trump. Our President, who
has been accused by no fewer than sixteen
women of various unwanted sexual overtures, and, of course, was caught on
tape bragging about them, remains untouched by the scandal. There is no serious dialogue underway about
whether his abuses should be investigated, no serious talk of removing him from
his job and, indeed, Trump has concluded, in the case of Roy Moore but surely
for his own defense, that denial is in itself proof of innocence. And no one is holding him accountable. While he has brazenly waded into this area,
in attacking Franken and even questioning the validity of the tape that captured
his own words, he is not suffering any immediate consequences. I suspect those consequences, though, will
reverberate in 2018 and 2020, if Trump is still around to feel them.
The other two big stories of the month were the tax
legislation that is being rammed through Congress at this writing, and the
end-of-month careening by Trump that suggests that he is, unbelievingly,
becoming ever more outrageous in his behavior.
The tax bill appears on the way to passage, although an 11th
hour glitch is being managed at this writing.
If it becomes law in early December, it will be touted as a huge GOP win
and a badly needed, to put it mildly, legislative accomplishment. But make no mistake that the GOP has yet
again put together an unpopular bill that could easily come back to bite them,
even in 2018. This is a bill that is
needlessly weighted toward big business and the wealthy, relying on the
long-debunked ”trickle down” theory of economics. The benefit to the middle class, such as it
exists, has a sundown provision in 2025 (the corporate tax breaks are
permanent), and the benefits to the lower class are virtually nil.
We borrow the graph below from The Washington Post to make
the point. The bill, as of a few weeks
ago when the poll was done (and there is no reason to believe things have
changed that much in the perception of the bill), has roughly a 30% support level,
which ranks it below the 1993 “HillaryCare” health bill and just above the 1993
GOP health care bill, both of which failed, and all three are in the nether
regions of the list. Other relatively
unpopular legislation, such as the 2009 ACA (ObamaCare) or the 2008 TARP (bank
bailout) bills, stand well above it. And
there is another chart that proves that it is the least popular tax
reform/reduction bill in decades as well.

The glitch involves the deficit hawks, led by Trump-nemeses
Bob Corker and Jeff Flake, who are unhappy with the finding by the non-partisan Joint
Commission on Taxation that says the GDP growth that will result from the bill
will only add about $400 billion in tax revenue, far short of the $1.5 trillion cut, thus
leaving a staggering $1 trillion plus deficit increase over ten years. The first fix – a trigger mechanism to add
taxes or reduce spending if the growth did not pay back the deficit – was ruled
unacceptable by the Senate parliamentarian in terms of the rules of reconciliation
(which enables the GOP to pass the bill with only 50 votes plus Pence). The GOP is now feverishly trying to find new ways of bridging
that trillion dollar gap and placating Corker and Flake.
The month ended with an utterly astounding set of actions
by Trump that took his standards for presidential behavior to a new low, which
is a phenomenal statement. All in a
matter of days earlier this week, Trump called Elizabeth Warren ”Pocahontas”
again in a White House ceremony honoring Navajo veterans (staged in front of a
picture of Andrew Jackson, no less, famed for ripping Native Americans from
their own land and marching them out west); ripped Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi
to shreds in a Twitter-fit hours before a negotiation meeting to avoid a
government shutdown (they cancelled, sidetracking hopes for a good faith
compromise); discussed with aides that the famed Access Hollywood tapes might
be fraudulent (even though he had already apologized for them); renewed his
doubts about Obama being a U.S. citizen (even though he had announced that he
no longer contested that fact); and, finally (for now), re-Tweeted videos
depicting violence by Muslims that had been shared originally by a British
extremist group. That impulsive re-tweet
was widely condemned, including, in an unprecedented rebuke, by British Prime
Minister Theresa May, who leads the nation known as our closest ally.
The assessments of the collective weight of these outbursts
ranged from “Trump is truly a madman” to “Trump is growing ever more
comfortable in his role and thus this craziness will only escalate.” Neither is a particularly comforting
conclusion, especially with the knowledge that Trump has to decide whether to allow
North Korea to become a full-fledged member of the nuclear family, or blow them
to smithereens and sacrifice tens of millions of South Koreans in the process.
And there was much more in the month. Trump used his otherwise vanilla and
non-consequential Asia trip to support President Putin in the latter’s
suggestion that Russia had nothing to do with the U.S. elections, thereby once
again denying (or disagreeing with) the consensus conclusion of the U.S.
intelligence community.
He continued to inflict his peculiar and erratic form of
policy on the nation: his xenophobic travel
ban was actually partially upheld in court, but his desire to cut funding for
so-called “sanctuary cities” was denied.
He confounded his conservative backers by saving the elephants in Africa
and opposing the ATT-Time Warner merger (a “vertical” merger than does not
involve combining directly-competing businesses). His government issued a damning report on the
ravages and potential devastation of climate change that directly contradicts
his own stated views and that of his EPA director. And he continued to say that he would do
something about guns in the wake of yet another mass killing in Texas, and say
the same about North Korea in the wake of yet another successful test of a
missile that shows the potential to reach our borders with a nuclear warhead
Oh yes, Trump is also apparently going to fire Rex
Tillerson within the next few weeks.
Tillerson will be the tenth senior Administration official to be shown
the exit door in Trump’s first year, which has to be a record (Flynn, Priebus,
Spicer, Scaramucci, Comey, Price, Bannon, Dubke and Gorka preceded him, if you
are keeping score). We’re not even counting Sally Yates and Richard
Cordray. Speaking of Cordray, only in
the Trump Administration could two officials claim to be running a major U.S. government
department on the same day. A U.S. judge ruled in favor of Trump on this
one, ousting Cordray’s own replacement at the Consumer Financial Protection
Bureau in favor of Trump appointee Mick Mulvaney, who happens to have another
reasonably significant job, that of White House Budget Director.
December will be an amazing month. We have before us the latest from the Mueller
investigation, with a central focus on Mike Flynn, whose lawyers have stopped
communicating with White House lawyers, presumably in anticipation of a plea
bargain. We have ongoing fall-out from
the post-Weinstein era, with more politicians to be outed and an absurdly
anti-victim set of protocols in Congress under intense scrutiny, including the
fantastic fact that taxpayers are paying for Congressional harassment
settlements without any transparency into who is using the fund. And we have a congressional agenda that is
chock full of critical deadlines, including the presumed passing of the tax
bill, trying to avoid a government shutdown, some sort of DACA fix, an attempted
rescue of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (aka CHIP), and the end of
the 60-day window for the Iraq sanctions.
Not to mention the Alabama Senate race, in which Roy Moore now
appears to be in the lead again, with the showdown on December 12. And if you think that will end the Moore
controversy win or lose, think again – McConnell is on the record with wanting
to expel Moore if he wins, which will overshadow the congressional agenda in
the first part of 2018. Stay tuned.
It is hard to argue that Trump
is being badly damaged by the chaos, but his approval rating did come back to
its low point at 39%, a level seen once before in August. This level has been relatively constant for
six months now, but the general drift has been downward.
Trump appears to be relying
exclusively on his base for support.
Whether this is a Bannon-driven strategy, or Trump’s own instinct or
simply the natural outgrowth of his need for ecstatic approval, it is a dangerous
way to run a first term. It ensures that
moderate politicians have nothing to fear from Trump, since independents and
moderates do not follow Trump, and it relies entirely on turnout to win
re-election. That 48% approval rating
that Trump started with is in the zone for re-election, similar to those of both
George W. Bush and Barack Obama near the ends of their first terms. But 40% is unelectable, especially if the
Democrats manage to nominate a candidate who is better liked than Hillary
Clinton, which is virtually any candidate at all, at least apart from Al
The “Trumpometer” jumped from +15 to +20 in the last month,
as the stock market continued its furious rise (the Dow is up 23% since January
20, 2017) and the Q3 GDP was revised from +3.0% to +3.3%. The Trumpometer is a measure of how key
economic indicators have moved since Inauguration Day, and it is a good story
for Trump, as those indicators have increased, on average, by +20%. Why 90% of his tweets are not about the
economy is one of the many mysteries of the Trump presidency.
Clinton 1/20/2001
Bush 1/20/2009
Obama 1/20/2017 (Base = 0)
Trump 10/31/2017
Trump 11/30/2017
% Chg. Vs. Inaug. (+ = Better)
Unemployment Rate
Consumer Confidence
Price of Gas
Dow Jones
As we have said, it would be astonishing for the stock
market, widely viewed as overvalued even as it races ahead, to not experience some
significant pullback at some point.
Similarly, no one thinks a 3+% GDP growth rate is sustainable. Since Trump claims credit for the strength of
the economy (credit that more rightly belongs to Obama), he will take the blame
when the inevitable erosion from these levels occurs. And if the tax bill becomes law, he will
have no one to blame if the economy goes south at some point. Plus he will have to explain deficit expansion
that will be well beyond what occurred under Obama.
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