Trump’s “veepstakes” have been the topic of the week, as
Trump puts his own unique stamp on the traditional “first real decision” a
nominee makes. From one perspective,
Trump has gone about this rather sanely….he developed a list of roughly ten
candidates and went from there. So what if they consisted of, essentially, any credible GOP official who had not
already run far, far away from consideration.
But things have spun out of control from there and the
landing is looking just as rocky.
One of the ten, Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee, got
things going when he decided that he was taking himself out of contention. In departing, he managed to get off this
unforgettable line, referring to, yes, the candidate’s daughter: "His best running mate, by the way, would be
Ivanka. I know that wouldn't pass muster probably
but I don't know if I've met a more composed, brilliant, beautiful-in-every-way
As the list narrowed, Trump put the remaining
contenders through something that resembled an episode of “The
Apprentice.” Various would-be-veeps hit
the road in a Trump-stump-audition of chemistry and
attack-doggedness. As the tour wound
down, Trump clarified where he stood in memorable fashion: “"I am
narrowing it down. I mean, I’m at three, potentially four. But in my own mind, I probably am thinking
about two."
When TrumpWorld got word that Trump was leaning
toward Chris Christie, Ivanka and the gang jumped on a plane to talk Dad out of this
scheme, and plug Pence for VPOTUS-to-be.
Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner had a particular motive for deep-sixing
Christie – the former New Jersey prosecutor had put Kushner’s own dad in jail a
decade ago.
asking Mike Pence to join the ticket, Trump delayed the announcement due to the Nice
massacre, finally announcing it was Pence this morning. But the madness did not quite end. Dana Bash of CNN has tweeted the following: “Scoop: @realDonaldTrump was so unsure about @mike_pence that around
midnight last night he asked top aides if he could get out of it.”
At least we have to conclude that Trump did a better job
with the veepstakes than John McCain. But
Trump was not the only source of madness this week:
The Notorious RBG, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, lived
up to her nickname by deciding to join in on the fun and cut loose with a riff
on Trump, to wit: "He is a faker.
He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at
the moment. He really has an ego…How has he gotten away with not turning over
his tax returns? The press seems to be very gentle with him on that." She even joked about moving to New Zealand
rather than live under a Trump presidency.
After the ensuing uproar, RBG apologized and is now hoping that Trump
versus Clinton does not follow Bush v
Gore and force her to contemplate a recusal.
And finally, who needs Trump
if we still have none other than George W. Bush back on the scene? Bush joined Obama for a tribute honoring the
Dallas policeman who were slain last week.
But he got a little carried away rocking out to the “Battle Hymn of the
Republic.” If you have not seen it,
check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMSHV_BpdhQ
You can’t make this stuff up.
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