The opening shot in CBS’s coverage of the South Carolina
debate revealed that the venue was called “The Peace Center,” and the first
commercial was an extended paean to a product designed to ease bowel
movements. It was an early indication
that the gods of irony were on active duty.
This was the most vituperative, bitter, and personal
presidential debate in memory, featuring two heavyweight bouts. Topping the
bill was the deeply personal feud between Jeb Bush and Donald Trump. The
undercard was the sudden explosion of the long-simmering contempt between Marco
Rubio and Ted Cruz.
The fireworks gave Governor Kasich of Ohio an opening to
assert his role as the responsible grown-up, and while he scolded his rivals
about the self-destructive nature of their childish outbursts, he failed to fully
leverage the potential power of that role. Sadly, Ben Carson lingers onstage, the ghost
of opportunity passed.
When all was said and done, it’s possible that Marco Rubio
managed to pull his candidacy out of free fall, and Governor Bush may have made
real progress… just in time for his “do or die” deadline in the South Carolina
primary. But in truth, for all the tumult and the shouting, nobody appeared to
nobly advance his cause. South Carolina has a reputation for brutal politics;
may the Hunger Games begin.
Bush v. Trump
How many times have we heard it: “This time Donald Trump
may have gone too far.”
It wasn’t too far when he called Mexicans rapists, nor when
he said that blood was coming out of Megyn Kelly’s “whatever;” not even when he
said that John McCain was not a war hero; still not when he said he could shoot
someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose a vote, neither when he mused out loud
about whether it mightn’t be a bad idea for the United States to assassinate
the leader of a sovereign nation. The
train to “Too Far,” it turns out, is a local that appears to have far more
stops than the number Seven train to Flushing.
But Donald may have pulled into a close suburb of “Too Far”
on Saturday evening, blatantly slandering of the first family of Republican
Give Jeffrey Toobin credit for an insightful observation
during the post-debate analysis. Called in by CNN to provide legal perspective
on the death of Anthony Scalia, it was Toobin who pointed out that Donald Trump
had accused George W. Bush of overtly
lying to the American people about the need to initiate the war in
Iraq. Toobin noted that even many of the
most strident Democrats castigate Bush for going to war on insufficient
evidence, or going to war too quickly, or going to war without the support of
allies, but very few people accuse him of overtly and intentionally lying about
the existence of weapons of mass destruction in order to dupe the country to go
to war. Maybe Rummy and Dick knew how to spell Machiavelli, but Dubya didn’t borrow
that particular book out of the Beinecke Library.
Within the first ten minutes of the debate, Trump had set a
startlingly contentious tone, jumping on Jeb Bush’s first utterance of the
evening. “Jeb is sooooo wrong on this,” Trump bellowed, ostensibly making his
point that the United States must defeat ISIS before attempting to take down
Assad. But it was not the content of the point that mattered; Trump’s loathing
and disrespect for Bush was so palpable that a wave of booing cascaded down
from the audience. As in the last debate, Trump attempted to explain the booing
as evidence that the Republican establishment had packed the house with

But this surprisingly bitter exchange was mere prelude to
the far more explosive confrontation that would shortly follow. CBS’s John Dickerson, who showed a flinty
willingness to demand specifics, substance, and follow-up throughout the evening,
asked about a video clip from 2007 in which Trump had apparently commented that
impeachment should have been considered given George W. Bush’s actions leading
up to the war on Iraq. “You can call it what you want,” Trump said, in an
apparent effort to distance himself from his prior use of the word
“impeachment,” but then he proceeded to say something far worse. “They lied when they said there were weapons of mass
Now, let’s take a moment. Most critics of George W. Bush
think he was a naïve, uninformed, in-over-his-head cowboy who raced into an
ill-considered war against Iraq due to his own ignorance, inexperience, arrogance,
and let’s throw stupidity in, too. It’s probably a minority who think Bush was
a brilliant Machiavellian genius who created a ruse about WMD to rally an unconvinced
American population into a war to take out Saddam Hussein, all for the purpose
of creating the sense that the administration was actually doing something to
avenge 9/11. Donald Trump has opted for
the latter interpretation, accusing George W. Bush of what is essentially a
“high crime or misdemeanor,” which does justify impeachment.
Jeb Bush, who is most effective as a candidate when he
feels that his family legacy is under attack, proceeded to set a sharp
rhetorical trap. “I am tired of you insulting my family,” he said, forcefully. By
broadening the context to his “entire family” rather than merely his
fifteen-watt brother, every belligerent accusation that Trump hurled thereafter
was an attack on the entire clan.
Now, it is one thing to stand on a podium in New York City and
call Mexicans rapists, but it is quite another thing to stand in South Carolina
and call the Bushes liars; indeed, liars whose overt deceit caused the death
and disfigurement of thousands of American combat troops.
In South Carolina – a state heavily connected with the
military – these are very serious accusations.
And for better or for worse, the Bushes are the First Family of
Republican politics for this generation, especially in South Carolina. The
elder George Bush is a beloved icon, and George Dubya has enjoyed a startling
rapid revisionist rise. Taking the position that George Dubya should have been
impeached for lying to the American people about the war on Iraq is a simply
astonishing position for a Republican candidate to take.
Donald Trump has proudly run his campaign on his “tell it
like it is” bluntness and his “gut feel” for articulating what most Americans
really believe but feel frightened to say out loud. Out of the gate, his gut
served him well. But after unsteady
performances over the past few weeks, it may be time for a gut-check.
Repeatedly during the evening, Jeb Bush got under Donald
Trump’s skin. Whether the subject was immigration, bankruptcy, or eminent
domain, Bush appeared to have figured out how to press Trump’s buttons. Trump
has used an intimidating style, bombast, and the power of his personality to
great effect over the campaign, but tonight was different… he was angry. He
appeared to lose his temper.
Jeb Bush has used the word “unhinged” to describe Donald
Trump; on Saturday night, he actually appeared to earn the title. His
unrelenting vitriol at Bush was actually exceeded in intensity if not duration
in a separate collision with Ted Cruz.
In a discussion about the implication of Judge Scalia’s
death, Cruz ticked off the liberal positions Trump has held and the campaign
donations that the Donald has directed to New York’s liberal political class.
Cruz’s conclusion: that Trump was not a true conservative, and could easily
pick a liberal judge to replace the not-yet-cold Scalia.
Trump went ballistic at Cruz: “You are the single biggest
liar… you are a bigger liar than Bush!
Cruz is a nasty guy!”
Chris Matthews of MSNBC has taken the interesting position
over the course of this already-long campaign that he can tell which campaign
is doing well based on how much they appearing to be enjoying themselves.
Matthews has always given Trump high marks by this measure; that Trump is
relaxed, confident, and often funny.
Trump was neither having fun nor funny last night. He was
mean, angry; he was not simply interrupting, he was shouting in an effort to
drown out and suffocate those who enraged him.
Perhaps that will be the tell-tale sign that the train has
arrived at “Too Far…” when the pressure on the self-professed “winner” to
actually win is so intense that Trump actually begins to crack.
See that wall that the Mexicans are going to pay for? I
think I see Trumpty Dumpty on it, and he’s looking a bit wobbly. Where are all
the king’s horses and all the king’s men?
Rubio v. Cruz
You know the world is somehow tilted into an alternate
reality when the only two Hispanic candidates on the stage get into a screaming
match about which one is doing the most to persecute the 11,000,000
undocumented immigrants in the United States; so many of whom are Hispanic.

But this is no alternative universe; this discrete
telenova-within-the- play was a blood battle between the two first term
senators. Cruz tried to paste “Rubio-Schumer
amnesty plan” on Marco, only to be greeted by a wave of boos. Rubio retaliated
by labeling Cruz a flip-flopper (“he either changed his position then or now!”),
causing Cruz to trot out some apparently devastating thing Marco said in
Spanish on Univision. Rubio landed on “for weeks now Ted Cruz has just been
telling lies,” resulting in Cruz’s equal but rhetorically elevated “what Rubio
says is knowingly false.” The audience was booing, and everyone appeared to
wish Chris Christie would magically appear, because the only way to stop Cruz
and Rubio would be if the fat guy sings.
Kasich Instinct
As is often the case, the key debate moment is the one that
did not happen, the thought that was not articulated, the opportunity that was
not seized.
What was most striking about last night was the
booing. Trump can rationalize it; Cruz
even piggybacked on Donald’s theory when the tomatoes landed on him. But in the
early debates, the red state crazies that packed in to see the full gang of 17 were
applauding wildly for everybody and everything.

It’s a pity, really, because in the thick of the incoming last night, John Kasich had his chance and blew it.
At one point, he did try to weigh in; he tried to talk
about how the candidates needed to stop the bickering or “we’ll hand the
election to Hillary.” But the moment called for a much stronger, much more
muscular response; he needed to rise above and dismiss the other candidates as
self-involved egotists who don’t have the country’s best interests at heart.
It’s too bad, because Kasich has demonstrated a good instinct for finding a
distinct, positive message within a campaign run amok with fear, hate, and
It’s too bad Kasich did not make his move Saturday night.
The train is getting dangerously close to “Too Far.”
wasn't it the NINTH debate? check google
ReplyDeleteYup, thanks...corrected!