Steve tells you all you really need to know about the third Democratic debate.
For those of you who did not have something better to do on
a Saturday night; who weren’t attending a Star Wars party, doing Christmas
shopping, Christmas wrapping, or going to a Christmas cocktail party; even for
those of you who were not watching the Jets eke out Dallas, there was a pretty
good Democratic debate on ABC Saturday night.
I’ve been told that some of you read this column expressly
for the purpose of getting the gist of the debate without having to sacrifice
date night, so here is all you need to know:

No matter what you ask Martin O’Malley,
there is absolutely nothing about (name
of problem goes here) that he has not already taken on and solved
completely in his decade as Mayor of Baltimore and then Governor of Maryland.
To hear O’Malley tell it, you’d think Maryland had the biggest immigration
problem in the universe, since he solved every
single problem. The Freddie Gray protesters and the writers of The Wire may disagree, but then again, O’Malley
is performing in an entirely different genre of programming that requires
neither accountability nor artfulness.
And no matter what you ask Hillary Clinton, she manages
to see just how complex (name of problem
goes here) really is, efficiently laying out the contrasting approaches to
addressing it, the pros and cons of each, and concluding that, in truth, the
only real solution is a combination of all of the above. It demonstrates her
command of policy, her flexibility and pragmatic approach to problem solving,
and her acknowledgment that complex issues will only be solved if we all figure
out how to work together in multi-national coalitions, bipartisan legislation,
and actions which embrace all races, religions, and ethnicities. In short, it’s
what you say when your poll numbers have achieved cruising altitude and you
have already moved on to the general election, even as your companions on the
stage cling to the delusion that there is a nomination to be contested.
So, was there any real news last night?
This writer has previously given Governor O’Malley praise
for his idealism and passion, and O’Malley continues to play well to the
portion of the Democratic Party that wishes one of those Kennedy grandchildren
had actually amounted to something. O’Malley alone demanded that we accept the
full 65,000 Syrian refugees that the U.S. has been asked to accept, and he was
very aggressive in denouncing Donald Trump’s bombast: “Never surrender our
values to billionaires with big mouths. The symbol of our country is not a barbed-wire
fence, it is the Statue of Liberty.”
O’Malley also continues to say new and fresh things. He built
upon a newly emerging gun-legislation strategy from the San Bernardino
shootings, noting that, “ISIS training videos now promote that the easiest way
to acquire a military-caliber assault rifle is at the gun shows.” Clearly, this
gambit presages another run at the gun-show exemption by pointing out how it is
easily exploited by domestic jihadists. (Yes, but you can practically hear red-states
chanting, “the only thing that can stop a jihadist with an AK-47 is a good guy
with an AK-47”). O’Malley also repeatedly emphasized the importance of local
human intelligence operations (as opposed to vast metadata analysis) – both in
the Mideast and domestically – to better understand our enemies and prevent
more San Bernardinos.
Last night’s O’Malley was not the teddy bear auditioning
for the VP slot. He was sharply critical of Hillary Clinton, accusing her of
opportunistic flip-flopping, and he visibly enraged Bernie Sanders by once
again questioning the Senator’s record on gun legislation. Perhaps O’Malley has
realized that he has no leverage for the VP spot if his polling is stuck at 5%,
so he clearly stepped up the volume. However, this leaves him somewhat between
Iraq and a hard place: The friskier he becomes in denigrating Hillary to pump
his poll numbers, the more he alienates the person who will choose the VP.
Bernie Sanders has evolved over the course of the debates.
In each succeeding outing he has become less the whacky caricature looking for
plutonium to power the DeLorean, and more focused and serious in his
presentation. I mean, for heaven’s sake, his
hair was combed last night. Bernie had a simply beautiful moment right at the
outset of the debate, when ABC opened with the non-story of the news cycle –
how a Sanders staffer had improperly viewed Clinton campaign data, which had
been erroneously shared by a vendor. Sanders took the time to explain exactly
what had happened: What was an accident, what was not improper, and what was
improper. When Muir asked if he should apologize to Clinton, Bernie said, “I’m
sorry,” adding an apology to his supporters.
In short, Bernie showed how it should be done: Own it, air it, and fix it.
Hey, there, Nixon, Bill Clinton, Ken Lay, A-Rod, Penn State, and the
Catholic Church: This is how you do it.

Hillary did, however, provide the clip that will no doubt
bounce around Fox and Fiends for the
next 48 hours, when she asserted that, “ISIS is using video clips of Donald
Trump as a recruiting tool.” There’s blowback on the internet today about
whether Hillary has proof of this statement. (My prediction is that Donald
Trump will seize the Hillary and Martin O’Malley commentary about ISIS videos
and pose the inevitable question: “Have you noticed how much time those
Democratic candidates spend watching ISIS training videos? I mean, I’m not
saying that I can prove they are
ISIS, but…”).
Hillary also indulged in the fun new game that Lindsey
Graham introduced in last week’s undercard: Show how appalling Donald Trump is
by comparing him to newly elevated Republican Saint George W. Bush! Hillary
glowingly spoke of how Dubya had repeatedly made clear after 9/11 that we were
not at war with Islam, and how he had reached out to Muslim leaders to work
together to address the challenges posed by radical Jihadists. There is no
greater measure of how appalled the Democrats (and centrist Republicans) are by
Donald Trump than to hear Lindsay Graham and Hillary Clinton praise George W.
Bush’s wisdom in dealing with the Middle East. What???
The simple fact is that for both Republicans and Democrats,
Paris and San Bernardino have caused a sharp pivot in the race towards security
and expertise in the Middle East. This shift left Republican Ben Carson unable
to even fake that he knows what he is talking about, and it adds still more
gravitas to Hillary’s stature on the Democratic side. Syria, of course, is not
something Martin O’Malley can say that he solved as governor of Maryland. And
Bernie simply cannot blame the emergence of ISIS on the greed of the one-percenters.
Both O’Malley and Sanders demonstrated knowledge and thoughtfulness about the
Middle East, and perhaps the single most significant “daylight” between their
positions and that of Hillary Clinton was on the topic of whether to focus
solely on fighting ISIS in Syria or go after ISIS and regime change
simultaneously. While both Sanders and O’Malley provided impressive analyses of
the unintended consequences when the U.S. aids and abets regime change
(sounding, by the way, weirdly like Rand Paul), once again Hillary seemed to
flash a deeper level of insight, contending that the rebels in Syria will not
work with us to fight ISIS unless we demonstrate that we are serious about
removing Assad.
Hillary did sign off the evening with a deft wink (“May the
Force be with you”) to the fact that few people were probably watching ABC last
night. But after two hours of good, meaty substance, the steel was tempered
further; the status quo reinforced. In the end, Hillary will be grateful for
Bernie and Martin, as they are toughening her up for what promises to be a
carnival show unlike any we’ve ever seen. But she is proving to be the Hillary
Clinton some of us expected in 2008.
And this time, the Force is with her!
Hilary for Prison