Steve is back with his take on last night's Democratic debate in Des Moines...
It is my sincere hope that each and every one of you had something more exciting to do on a Saturday night at 9:00 than sit at home for two hours watching a democratic debate that had all the volatile rhetoric, interpersonal confrontation, and emotional intensity of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood. Full disclosure: even I DVR-ed this one.
It is my sincere hope that each and every one of you had something more exciting to do on a Saturday night at 9:00 than sit at home for two hours watching a democratic debate that had all the volatile rhetoric, interpersonal confrontation, and emotional intensity of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood. Full disclosure: even I DVR-ed this one.
Those who tuned into the great state of Flyover witnessed
what was essentially a pleasant, polite draw. But a draw should never be confused with maintenance of the status quo.
A debate that is scored as a draw actively reinforces the relative standing of
the competitors, and is therefore a win for the leader.
What did we actually learn from this debate?
1. Bernie Sanders does not seem to have the will to try to take down Hillary Clinton
2. Martin
O’Malley is not even playing to win in 2016, so he certainly isn’t going to try
to take down Hillary.
3. Hillary
is playing errorless ball, so it is extremely unlikely that she is going to
take herself down.
The result? The inevitability of Hillary Clinton took another
significant step forward in Iowa.
Hillary Clinton had a
workmanlike evening; she had good moments, but more importantly, she is proving
herself to be the Troy Tulowitski of presidential candidates, as both have
phenomenal streaks of errorless performance. She is poised and tough, and she
has a well-rehearsed counter-punch at the ready for just about every sling and

In the final question of the evening, CBS handed Hillary
what could well have been the most slanted question in modern debate history,
asking the three candidates to give an example of a crisis they have handled
that proves that they have what it takes to be President. Hillary seemed to revel struggling to pick
which of the dozens of global crises she has faced to make the point, alighting
on the decision to send Seal Team Six in get Osama Bin Laden. O’Malley, showing poise and grace, simply
side-stepped, acknowledging that governors are unlikely to face the magnitude
of crisis that comes before a president. Implausibly, Bernie Sanders offered that
figuring out how to get a bill to improve VA healthcare through Congress was an
oval office caliber crisis.
In the end, it was a night of smooth sailing for Hillary,
and it is hard to imagine her losing an inch of ground based on this debate.
Bernie Sanders got
this far by being Bernie Sanders, just as his evil mirror twins Donald Trump
and Ben Carson have done in the Republican Party. All appear to be reaching the
peak of what that strategy yields. All must rethink how they go to market to
broader their appeal beyond the angry and alienated voters who have propelled
their success to date.
To carry this parallel just a bit further, each of these
candidacies have been fueled by populist rage at the deafness of centralized
power to the needs and wishes of the vast and plundered citizenry. For
Republicans, it is rage against the Federal Government. For Bernie, it is rage
against the 1%, income inequality, and a political process controlled by big
money. One side argues for more government to solve the problems caused by big
business, the other argues for more business to solve the problems caused by
big government.
At some point, Bernie Sanders has to realize that for
present purposes, his opponent is not the 1% or campaign finance law, it is
Hillary Clinton. If he really wants to win this thing (and I think it’s
perfectly fair to wonder if that ever was his real goal), he has to use much
more precious debate time unsparingly and relentlessly going after the real weaknesses
and fault lines in Hillary Clinton’s career… beginning with her low ratings on
trustworthiness. That’s what people who burn with a passion to win are willing
to do: take the gloves off and fight. Until I see Bernie willing to wage that
kind of serious trench warfare, it is hard to see how he changes the mojo of
this election cycle.

O’Malley had a number of very strong moments, most notably
when he told of talking to a soldier’s mother in Iowa, who asked that
candidates not refer to troops as “boots on the ground.” “My son,” she told
him, “is not a pair of boots on the ground.” O’Malley has a gift for humanizing
and simplifying complex policy issues: “Taking on 65,000 Syrian refugees in a
country of our size is like adding 6 people to a baseball stadium that holds
32,000 people.”
CBS had a good evening at the Iowa debate. The moderator and panelists showed a
willingness to press the candidates to take clear stands on issues where they
sought the refuge of vagary. Most notably, John Dickerson pointedly asked
Hilary why she should permanently “tattoo” Bernie Sanders with a vote he had
once made favoring the gun lobby, when she herself had tried to distance
herself from her vote to authorize the Iraq war. When Hilary said, “I said I
was wrong – I apologized – let’s hear him apologize for his vote,” Sanders was
left to awkwardly try to change the topic. It was good, real-time theatre;
created by a focused and fair journalist.
The fair conclusion on this debate is simple. I think each
of these three candidates “won” relative to their own very personal objectives.
I remain unconvinced that Bernie Sanders ever truly sought
out to become president, so much as he has sought a very big microphone to pull
his party towards its more liberal instincts. By this measure, he is
succeeding. And, in the end, Hillary Clinton will benefit from the fact that
Bernie is attracting and energizing the millennials. Bernie stays in the race.
Martin O’Malley is practicing and laying pipe for 2020 or
2024. If he continues to prove his effectiveness as a campaigner, he’ll have to
be included on Hillary’s short list for VP.
And Hillary Clinton’s objective? She intends to be the
first woman President of the United States. And on Saturday night, she took a
major step in that direction.
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