Here is my choice for the most curious development to
emerge from the fourth Republican debate. I invite fact-checkers (if any still
exist in this post-reality debate process) to confirm or deny it, but I’d wager
a Romney-size bet that the majority of times that the word “Republican” was
mentioned last night, it was actually in a negative context.
Carly Fiorina’s constant mantra is that the mess we call
today’s Federal government was created by “Republicans and Democrats.” Ted Cruz
vilifies his own party leaders. Even down in the play-pen debate, Bobby Jindal
exclaimed that the “last thing we need is another big government Republican.” I
do recall Rand Paul tossing a brief positive shout-out to Republican governors
and mayors, thereby carefully excluding those who work for the Federal
So, on a night when even the word “Republican” was spat out
with disdain formerly reserved for entitlements, low T foreign policy, and
Mexican rapists, who won?
Marco Rubio didn’t even break a sweat last night and yet I
predict that he will emerge as the evening’s big winner… perhaps more over the
long term than the near term polls. In this debate, Rubio emerged as the true
elephant in the room, the anointed centrist who will soon be assigned the role
of saving the party from trumped up blow-hards and dangerous carcinogens. Let
me explain.

Jeb Bush has now proven with a dogged
consistency that has no instinct for this game; he has a flair for actually falling to the occasion. Even when
coached; even when he is at his best – which he may well have been – he is the
can of beer you left out overnight; warmed over, lacking fizz, and now simply a
stale and unwelcome reminder of a bad party that you’d like to forget. Jeb won’t leave until the first votes are
cast, but Iowa and New Hampshire are going to give him a short, cold, lonely winter.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump seems to be realizing that it’s
good to eliminate Bush and Kasich, but he might actually need a happy, healthy
Marco Rubio. Trump is shrewd enough to realize that his biggest strength – his
“take all prisoners” approach to immigration – is indeed growing into his
greatest liability. His determination to execute an “eleven million man march”
back over the border caused Jeb Bush to note that “they are all high-fiving
over at Clinton headquarters.” How to solve this dilemma? Easy: name Rubio his
VP; the great white but mostly Hispanic hope. Has anyone noticed that Trump treats Rubio
with kid gloves?
Who else needs a healthy Rubio?
Let’s start with the centrist money. With Bush and Kasich unable to get traction,
the big donors who believe that extremists of any flavor cannot beat Clinton
have been waiting to see which of Kasich, Bush, Christie, or Rubio emerges to
take up the centrist banner. And the answer by the end of Tuesday night was
becoming emphatically clear. Christie ironically had a terrific night in the
romper room debate, but it is time to tell the truth: once you’ve been sent
down to the playpen, you never come back. Bush and Kasich failed to get the
traction they desperately need. So the centrist Republican money is going to
start to flow to Rubio, and the other three will begin to look like George
Clooney in Gravity, oxygen cut off
and floating out into deep space.
Not to be ignored: Rubio seemed to enjoy simple good
fortune. While Kasich and Trump ripped each other to shreds over immigration,
Rubio wisely kept his powder dry, and the moderators did not chose to drag him
in. In a debate whose theme was fiscal policy and expertise, not one question
came to Rubio about his shabby personal financial management. Sometimes, it’s
better to be lucky than good.
Ben Carson set his spacecraft into an orbit slightly closer
to planet earth than previous debates; his naps were generally shorter and he
stuck toothpicks under his eyelids. My own personal favorite debate moment:
when Neil Cavuto came after him about the recent spate of errors,
exaggerations, and outright falsehoods in his campaign bio, Carson found a way
to lay down the Benghazi card! Carson’s political version of a rope-a-dope
strategy is wearing thin; it’s telling that Ali knew to only use it once.

Carly Fiorina is not growing on anyone. She has somehow failed to grasp that her electric
performance in the first two debates was based on her razor sharp spontaneous
responses, each one tighter and crisper and more emphatic than the last. Now,
she seems to simply repeat her core riff ad
nauseum, talking sternly over the moderators, and sounding mean-spirited
and petulant instead of clear-headed and defiant. George W. Bush allegedly
carried the day over wonkish Al Gore and stiff patrician John Kerry because
people felt that he was much more the kind of guy you’d want to have a beer
with. The electorate’s need to feel this type of comfort with a candidate will
ultimately push the very chilly Carly to the sidelines.
How I will miss Rand Paul! I hope otherwise but I do fear
that he punched his ticket on the Jindal Jitney to Santorumville on Tuesday.
It’s too bad, because he may have had his best, most articulate night of his
campaign. Paul desperately tried to point out that you cannot be a “fiscal
conservative” and advocate for radically increasing military spending. Rubio
showed just how quick he is on his feet, leaping at the opportunity to play
military muscle-man and champion of the vital importance of American military
might to the safety of the planet. Later, Paul tried to point out that trying
to implement a “no-fly zone” over Syria at this point is effectively signing up
for shooting down Russian warplanes. But in each instance, he allowed his
isolationist instincts to come off as weakness on defense. Even Atlas shrugged.
In the end, however, Rand Paul has served the process well.
No one else is pointing out the essential contradiction of the emerging
Republican platform. On the one hand, the party seems unified about the belief
that the Federal government is terrible at everything it does except in its
role as operator of the world’s pre-eminent military force, which is absolutely
essential to trying to keep the peace in the fractious and volatile Middle
East. Unfortunately, such a platform
could serve to remind voters about the last time the republicans held the White
House and used the world’s pre-eminent military force to try to keep peace in
the fractious and volatile Middle East. Thank you, Rand Paul; and yes, now they
really are high-fiving over at
Hillary’s headquarters.
As always, I must insert a word on the moderators, no
matter how incredibly painful this exercise has become. But, yes, Fox Business
News blew away CNBC so completely that John Harwood was last spotted orbiting Uranus.
The Wall Street Journal representative, Gerard Baker, was particularly tough
but fair; gutsy enough to ask the Repubs to address the hard reality that
statistics prove that Democratic administrations have vastly out-performed
Republicans in job creation. However, I must admit that it blows my mind that
in all four hours of CNBC and Fox Business Network debate, focused solely on
economic issues, not one journalist asked the Republicans what they will say
when the Gipper’s own question is turned on them: “What are you going to say
when Hillary Clinton asks America whether or not they think better off now than
they were eight years ago?”
Which all brings me back to the elephant in the room.
Extremists care about being right, and centrists care about

The party elders are patient men; they know that it can
literally take months to make
billions in private equity. But they know they are running out of time. They
have been waiting for the process to reveal the real elephant in the room: the
centrist who can avert the disaster and self-destruction of allowing the party
to be hijacked by pretenders who are intent on renting the party apparatus to
advance own personal brand.
Tuesday night, it became just a bit more apparent that
Marco Rubio is that guy.
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