Steve is back, on the implications of Paris on the GOP presidential race.
It is curious, in
hindsight, to realize how many presidential elections can be viewed in utterly
simplistic terms: Voters tend to re-act more than act. We tend to elect the candidate who
embodies the diametric opposite of the most egregious weakness of the prior
administration: Ike was old and boring, so we went for young and exciting Jack
Kennedy. Lyndon Johnson had horribly bungled Viet Nam, so we went for the
experienced cold warrior Richard Nixon. Nixon turned out to be a crook, so we
went for squeaky-clean Jimmy Carter. Carter turned out to be a wimp, so we went
for macho cowboy Ronald Reagan. George Bush was a clumsy old patrician
goofball, so we went for the guy who played the sax on Arsenio Hall. Clinton
turned out to be a womanizer, so we went for the family guy with whom we could
have a beer. George Bush turned out to be stupid and ignorant, so we went with
the erudite Harvard Law prof. And now the big complaint is that Obama’s too
damn cerebral and won’t kick butt.
So, too, today, voters
instantly react to the immediate issue: ISIS barbarians slaughter lovely young
Parisians, and suddenly the only issues Americans care about are who will kill the ISIS bastards
first, and who will keep them away from US soil. Thus: Trump and Cruz
ascendant; all others, in decline.

the still fluid Presidential race, the impact of Paris will be profound.
For the past several
months, it’s been assumed that Donald Trump and Ben Carson were on parallel
trajectories, creating the impression that they were similar in their appeal
and in the profile of their supporters. Both, as “outsiders,” are attractive to
the large portion of Republicans who loathe Washington, the Federal government,
and even the perceived-as-oft-compromising
Congressional leaders in their own party.
Paris has quickly
demonstrated that this assumption is flawed.
Carson’s appeal
has been based on a biography that champions personal achievement and
responsibility; his appeal lies in a combination of a rejection of the role of Federal government and a powerful
public embrace of Christian religion
to the active exclusion of other forms of worship. This plays well to the
Christian fundamentalists.
Trump, on the other
hand, is centering his entire candidacy on the notion that in a city where
nothing gets done, you need a tough, kick-ass bully who has proven he can get
his way by reaping billions in the business world. He has chosen immigration as the issue that symbolizes both how tough he will be and how he intends to
defend American business from the lawlessness beyond our borders. Trump plays
to the Republicans who we’ll call American fundamentalists: People who feel that the United
States has been exploited by shrewd, manipulative foreigners and who feel that
Washington, D.C., is populated by wimps who have allowed it to happen.

Now, with Paris, we
suddenly have the one situation in which Republicans actually see a
valid purpose in the Federal government: to wage war with Muslims in
the Middle East. Carson’s shocking lack of command of international affairs is
freaking people out, and his numbers are dropping like all that supposed grain
in the pyramids.
In bold contrast, Donald Trump’s assertion
that he will solve all problems in the Middle East by “bombing the shit out of
ISIS” is just the sort of testosterone supplement that xenophobes mainline. No doubt the 25% of
Republicans who think we can deport eleven million illegal aliens are living in
a fantasy world in which religious caliphates waging land wars in Eurasia can
be defeated by drone pilots based in Fort Lauderdale. The fault line is no
longer about deporting those eleven
million people, it is now about shutting our borders to refugees of a
horrendous war whose origin can and must be traced to our shores. The
Republican governors asserting an imagined ability to reject Syrian refugees is
sort of like claiming to be really good at air guitar: what are they actually doing? Is Chris Christie planning on
installing passport controls on the Weehauken side of the tunnel?
But logic aside – far aside
– immigration is Trump’s issue; he has
stamped it with his brand as boldly as his buildings, golf courses, and
casinos. So, the minute Paris redefined our immigration phobia from
"Mexicans are taking our jobs" to "Syrians are blowing up our
cities," immigration grew even larger, and became a vital, central issue –
and Donald Trump’s popularity has surged once again. Trump’s “macho
y nacho” strategy -- a combo of high testosterone military
assertiveness and xenophobic
immigration posturing -- are clearly separating the Donald from the low-T
domestic focus of Dr. Ben Carson.
And what about the rest
of the Republican field?
One would think that
all of the “experienced government officials” would stand to gain from a sudden
pivot in focus to the nuances and complexities of global diplomacy and the
arcane, layered, official and unofficial competing constituencies in the Middle
East. Or, then again, perhaps not. That rapidly receding 4% who had not
yet been convinced that Jeb Bush is actually an incompetent candidate had to
listen to baby brother offer up that we solve the Syria immigration problem by
only accepting Christian Syrians. There’s a wonderful clip of him being asked
just exactly how we establish which Syrians are Christian and which are Muslim,
and you can witness that painfully awkward moment of a Bush at war with the
English language. “Well, you can prove it,” squirming Jeb mumbles, once again –
as with his entire candidacy – offering no proof, no logic, and no conviction.

Finally, please allow
me just one last observation: When 130 citizens are brutally slaughtered with
AK 47s in Paris, our politicians cannot hold themselves back from the lights,
action, and camera; screaming about the changes that must immediately take
place in order to protect our citizens from the savagery of demented souls. One
only wishes that they displayed such passion, moral rectitude and visibility
when children in Connecticut and theatre goers in Colorado were ripped to
shreds by the exact same weaponry, which is fully accessible to the demented
souls on our own shores. Indeed, it’s an easy inference that Donald Trump
thinks that those first graders would still be alive if only they’d been
packing heat, and Ben Carson is puzzled why the Parisians sipping their Chateau Neuf du Pape at a sidewalk café
didn’t have the guts to run headlong and attack their killers.
Bill Maher was on The
Late Show with Stephen Colbert last week, and he confessed that he had
completely changed his mind
about the duration of the American presidential selection process. Where he had
once decried the waste and farce of an 18-month declare/ debate/ primary/ nominate/ elect cycle, he now
expressed his deep appreciation for its very length. His reason? Americans are – in his words --
“slow and dim and dumb and need extra time” to finally figure out which
candidates are worthy of office.
Let’s hope the
Republicans use that time wisely. Iowa is six weeks away.
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