The headlines from the CNBC debate on Wednesday night:
- Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz advanced their causes.
- Donald Trump is growing more palatable and credible as a possible candidate.
- The mystery of why Ben Carson is leading everyone else intensifies.
- Jeb Bush’s candidacy has just been transferred to the ICU.
- CNBC did what no one at CNN has been able to accomplish in years: it made CNN look like a first rate news service.
Let’s start with an interesting but rather subtle shift seemed
to occur in the Republican debate on Wednesday night. For different reasons,
the ten candidates on the stage seemed to come into a sudden alignment on
exactly who the enemy is. And, no, it actually is not Hillary Clinton or her
pinko sidekick from Back to the Future.
In this debate, every candidate coalesced around the idea
that the single most evil, incompetent, wasteful, dishonest, lying, stealing,
cheating, and – worst of all -- regulating
organization in the world is the one that they are all competing ferociously to
The enemy Wednesday night was the Federal Government. The
neat trick about this new definition of the enemy is that it could be the
long-sought Republican “Big Tent” that can unite the fraying party factions.
It’s an obvious platform for outsiders Trump, Carson and Fiorina. It works
great for states’ rights governors Kasich, Huckabee, Jindal, and Christie. It
allows senators Rubio, Paul, Cruz and Graham to bash the very institution they
work for – and even its Republican leadership. Dear heaven, it was even
lovingly embraced by Jeb Bush, whose brother and father actually led the
federal government for 12 out of the last 27 years!

Sure, the Democrats are worse than the Republicans on this,
they mentioned, but the real theme of the evening was that the Federal
government is a bi-partisan catastrophe, an out-of-control spending machine
that is the fault of everyone and everybody who touches it.
Let’s state this a different, and perhaps more telling,
Every single candidate has now finally figured out that
Trump, Carson, and Fiorina are not
Republicans at all. They are pure-play outsiders who are winning on the
antipathy that Americans feel toward the dysfunction of government. And so the
actual Republicans on the stage spent most of the evening trying to each
establish their own personal brands of renegade, anti-government outsider-hood.
And here is the real zinger.
The two guys who made the most progress last night were two
guys who are actually on the Federal Government payroll.
So who won and who lost in this evolving world-view?
Marco Rubio made enormous strides
in this debate. He continues to be charismatic, polished, extremely well
prepared and deft on his feet. He demonstrated command over some of the
evening’s more arcane fiscal policy scrums (hey, I thought “H One B” was a virus!).
He neatly pivoted on Jeb Bush’s pathetic attack on Rubio’s recent
confession to Senatorial ennui,
turning it into a generational clarion call for change. Deftly, he alone found
a way to insert the word “Benghazi” into a debate on economics, which is wired
to automatically light up the “applause” sign in all Republican venues. And he thought
up a new way to vilify the left-leaning-eastern-elite-establishment-lame-stream
media, introducing the notion that it should be viewed a mammoth Super Pac for
the Democratic Party. But, please: if
Republicans castigate CNBC as leftist leaning, those socialists over at the
Wall Street Journal must be next. Bottom
line: give the Beaver an A-.
The Cruz missiles were flying at this debate, as the
self-pleasuring master-debater rocked the house repeatedly over the course of
the evening. It was newsworthy that Cruz seemed to be doubling down on his
vicious attacks on his own party’s congressional leaders, given that the
Freedom Caucus had so recently blinked – and blinked hard – in capitulating to
Paul Ryan’s ransom note. But give Ted Cruz his due: he brilliantly ticked off
the five first “gotcha” questions from the CNBC moderators and blasted them for
their bias and lack of respect for the candidates.
And you know what? He was right. John Harwood is a first class journalist, but his opening
question to Donald Trump – essentially asking him if his campaign was a joke – set
the evening off in a foolishly contentious path from which CNBC will not
recover soon.
Holding ground:

Someday, the world will figure out that Dr. Carson
is Yoda gone to the dark side, an intentionally mysterious man whose sotto-voce affectation, heavy eyelids,
and enigmatic riddle-speak are apparently soothing to Bible-toting social
conservatives who just want someone who will unequivocally say that the
Christian God is in the pilot seat. Ben Carson says crazy things out loud. We
know it all: Obamacare is slavery, that the United States can be compared to Nazi
Germany, and that the Holocaust would not have happened if the Jews thought
like the NRA. But Carson as carcinogen was not on display in Colorado; the
focus on fiscal issues kept the conversation away from the most incendiary of
his topics. He was his usually
fuzzy-illogic; muddling through answers and always meandering to his mantra,
“and that’s why the United States is by the people for the people and of the
people.” The physics of inertia worked in his favor; though… nothing he did
damaged him. He will emerge from this debate with generally unchanged polling
The Losers: Everybody else.
It seems like it is still early in the campaign, but wet
cement dries quickly. Repeated failures to generate excitement and momentum
gradually turn into hardened images of ineffectuality. Chris Christie had his debate
moments, but he is clearly losing the “angry centrist governor” battle to
Kasich. Carly Fiorina is losing the “proven CEO” battle to Trump. Mike Huckabee
is losing the evangelical battle to Cruz. And I find it hard to imagine how
this debate would have been the slightest bit different had Rand Paul spent the
evening in a room at Motel 6.

Jeb is at a crisis point. You could argue that right now he
is in third place in the “angry
centrist governor” battle -- behind both Kasich and Christie. At least those
two have fire in the belly. Now is the
time to ask whether Jeb has ever really ached to be President, or if this
half-baked dalliance is just an obligation he feels to his family legacy.
But the biggest loser is CNBC.
It was a real disappointment to see the
not-yet-ready-for-even-cable-primetime performance of the CNBC team. John
Harwood is a respected professional (indeed, Harwood asked that question that
led to Rick Perry’s candidacy-ending amnesia), but his questions were angry and
arrogant. Rebecca Quick was repeatedly embarrassed for her inability to prove
the source of the “gotcha” quotes she flung at the candidates.
Perhaps worse, CNBC simply lost control of the debate.
We’ll call it the “Webb Cam,” which is when candidates whine about their time
allotment and simply refuse to stop talking, trampling over the hapless moderators. Repeatedly throughout the evening, the
candidates simply ignored the question put before them and said, “I need to go
back and get my turn to answer the last question.” CNBC cut some people off,
and not others. The atmosphere became contentious and toxic; ironically
providing a unifying moment for the candidates, as they took turns applauding
each other’s civility and stature in the face of the CNBC treatment.
The pity of it is that when the media lives up to the
charge of being biased, arrogant, and on a search-and-destroy mission, it
provides fresh tanks of oxygen to the Red Staters (and their candidates!) who
in turn have greater leeway to dismiss the fair questions of even-handed
And, by the way, how hard is it to give and candidate sixty
seconds and then just turn off the microphone?
For that matter: can we please start the debate on time?
We are trained by history to expect the debates to begin when they are
advertised to begin, which in this case was 8 PM. Instead CNBC made us listen to second-rate
blather for 15 minutes, and they even
chatted over the candidate introductions.
Here’s my bottom line: if you are going to give CNBC a
debate and watch this joke play out, then let’s give equal time to a really
serious network where far more people get their news – Comedy Central.
The Daily Show missed the mark when they did not replace Jon Stewart with you Steve!!!!
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