For most of the week leading up to the Republican debate,
the political literati seemed to
revel in their cleverness in observing that Donald Trump was turning the
Republican nominating process into a reality tv show. For starters, this was arguably unfairly
demeaning to reality TV shows; the last 17 entertainers competing to be the most
recent American Idol were far more
ready for prime time than the cast on stage Thursday night. And The Voice certainly knows better than to
put all the singers on the same stage at the same time.
But those who felt that they were belittling Trump and the entire
Fox event by comparing it to reality TV were missing the bigger point. Dwight
Eisenhower famously warned of the rise of the military industrial complex;
today, we need to beware of the entertainment/celebrity/political complex. If Thursday
proved anything, it is that the person who has mastered prime time television and
21st century branding has an almost unfair advantage over mere
career politicians.
The man who brought you “you’re fired!” has a sense for the
television moment. And I want to give the devil its due: the people at Fox News
created brilliant theatre by designing an opening question that would seem to
skewer Trump no matter what he said. When the contenders were asked to raise
their hands if they would (1) not pledge to support the candidate of the party
and (2) not rule out a third party campaign, Team Ailes seemed to have gamed
out that any answer Trump gave would be a disaster. He’d either be revealed as
an egomaniac attempting to use the party for his own purpose, or be fully
locked into a pledge that he’d already asserted an unwillingness to make. Worst
of all, he’d have appeared to have been bullied into backing down on national
television by the Foxy Lady.

Donald Trump may be a lot of rotten things, but he is ready
for prime time. He saw an opportunity and he pounced, doubled-down, and didn’t
back off. He grabbed the leadership
In the world of marketing, defining the leadership brand
promise in any given product category is actually not too hard. You have to
figure out what the most people want
the most, and then deliver it best. Coke promises that it refreshes you best. Visa is everywhere you want to be. These leaders
found the most important promise to the most people; and their products
thoroughly fulfill by the promise. Donald Trump was not the only one who carved
out a clear brand promise on Thursday night, but he may have found the most important one.
In point of fact, a number of candidates did a good job in truly
staking out their brand promise. Ted Cruz definitively conveyed that he was the
most pure and true conservative. Marco Rubio positioned himself as the
candidate focused on the future. John Kasich taught old George W what it might
really mean to be a “compassionate conservative.” Chris Christie is a street
fighter for the common man. Mike Huckabee demanded to be viewed as the champion
of social values. The candidates who
carved out the clearest brand positions tended to be the ones who did the best
in the debate.
But having a clear position alone is not enough. Just ask
Rand Paul. He made perfectly clear that he was “a different kind of
Republican.” This came across in exactly the wrong way: as someone who picks
fights with party orthodoxy and who is way out of the mainstream. When Trump
told him that “he was having a bad night,” Trump was not only right – he was also
projecting that he held the authority to make such a judgment. He may as well
have said, “Rand, you’re fired.”
Which brings us to the question of Donald Trump’s brand
The Donald may have indeed put his finger on the issue that
is most important to the citizenry in this moment in time. He has tapped into a
very real and very intense frustration in the United States today. He has put
voice to the widely held perception that career politicians are a bunch of
inauthentic panderers; man-handled by handlers; they are poll-watching talkers
who get absolutely nothing done.
When Fox put the very first question on the table, Trump
instinctively knew that if he was going to get burned no matter what he said,
the real right answer was to disagree
with everybody else. That was the picture on the screen: There’s Donald
Trump, the only man raising his hand, and a bunch of timid, inauthentic, career
politicians, all looking tentative, uncertain, and all looking at Donald Trump.
Sure, Trump stumbled and bloviated and no doubt deeply
troubled some people in the base by refusing to step back from the third party
threat. He may even lose a percentage point or two in the polls. But he came
off as his own man; the big tough guy who is willing to take on everybody in
the room. Best of all: Fox could have phrased that first question in a way that
would have allowed all other nine guys to raise their hand. Instead, they
enabled Trump to stand alone, center stage, the only hand raised, the only man
taking action. The man in the arena.
Nobody – certainly not this writer -- is saying that Donald
Trump is going to win the nomination. The truth of it is that the primary process
generally homogenizes the candidates, either smoothing out their rough edges or
finding a way to kill them off entirely. There’s a reason the Republicans end
up with various flavors of Mitt Romney.
But while Trump himself might not go the distance, the
issue he has identified – the anger with do-nothing, dysfunctional,
self-perpetuating politicians – may become the defining idea for this election
If so, wow. Beware, Jeb. And, yes, watch out, Hilary. If
you’ve been wondering why Bernie is drawing those crowds, you may want to think
about the fact that The Bernie is your very own Donald, right down to the crazy
It’s worth a moment to reflect on how recessive Jeb Bush
and Scott Walker appeared in the face of Trump’s outsized candor and his comprehensive
dismissal of the political class. Jeb
might have appeared quite good last night if you simply read a transcript of
the events. Unfortunately for him, television is 90% visual and 10% verbal –
and he came across as defensive, whiney, and a bit too eager for validation.
Scott Walker seemed to be reading from cue cards the entire evening; lacking
verve and muscle, he seemed odorless, colorless and vacuous.
I have not mentioned Dr. Ben Carson, who may have salvaged
his one hour and fifty minute disappearing act with a few nice zingers in the
lightning round. But my money is that the Republicans will swap out their one
minority podium next debate and bring in Carly – who won the kiddie table
debate in a runaway.

He may be the fresh face who can carry Donald Trump’s
message over the finish line.
Trump is killing it with his stand up routine....Best reality TV ever!
ReplyDeleteGreat analysis of how Trump is leveraging the media. This is entertainment, but of a different sort than Sarah Palin provided in that it is pretty cleverly orchestrated. Capitalizing on the press is here to stay as a factor in presidential elections, but let's hope we get to some seriousness of purpose here. Really great writing, Steve, thanks!
ReplyDeleteI could not have said it any better!
ReplyDeletethe clear branding is the donald could not be bought because he is the one who does the buying haha...
ReplyDeleteanother funny. jeb said he's running on "hope".